Saturday, March 30, 2013
Chair Shopping +1
Little Kat, my brother, and I went chair shopping today. My living room chair is losing its support. And I want to be able to sit on a chair while watchng movies with my bro. Also I will be moving Little Kat's chair from the basement. So he wanted to have a say in the new chairs I am thinking about buying.
We went to the store that has the best sales people. They also have a lot of chairs. We were able to eliminate over half the chairs in the store by skipping any chairs that were rockers. We also discounted the sliders. That left stationary recliners.
The first thing we did was sit in all the recliners that did not rock or slide. Then we had a list of chairs that felt right. Next I eliminated any chairs that were outrageously expensive. Some of those Little Kat called "kingly chairs". This got us down to just a few.
Little Kat and my bro likes a chair that cost $850. I liked another one that went for $650. Together with tax and delivery, the cost was going to be $1700. Ouch. That was a lot higher than I had planned to spend. They were having a 30% sale that ended today. The sale would bring the price down to about $1250.
I never make a purchase this high without sleeping on it first. There will be other sales. The only question is whether I am willing to spend $600 per chair on average. Those chairs were really nice. My bro and I would only sit on them once a week. Little Kat is always sitting in his chair playing video games when we let him.
Got some thinking to do here.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Computer Build Plans +1
Last Christmas, Little Kat and I had planned to build our own computer. For some reason the plans fell through. We ended up with no new computer. Little Kat was without a server for his Minecraft game.
Recently I saw a class called PC Assembly. They give you a list of parts to buy. Then they teach you to put together a computer from basic parts. Sounded like a winner. Turns out a friend of mine was taking the class this semester. Apparently the teachers are really good.
I thought perhaps Little Kat and I could take the class together. That way we could get the experts to teach us. Then I heard some bad news. My friend spent over $1000 on just the parts for the commputer. Ouch. So now my plan is to get my work to pay for the class and the parts.
I researched the college offering the class. Unfortunately Little Kat is just too young to attend the school. You got to be a prodigy to get in that young. My latest plan is to go and learn the building process. Then I will come home and teach Little Kat what I learn. Maybe we can even disassemble and reassemble the thing.
If Little Kat has his way, I will buy some high quality parts and we will build a high performance gaming computer together.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Just in Time for Easter +1
We watched Momoko's Netflix pick earlier this week. It was the Muppets Movie. Wasn't all that bad. We were in a hurry to send that movie back in the mail. Momoko wanted to get the movie "Hop" in time for Easter.
Just got an email from Netflix today. Next pick - Hop. Estimated delivery - Friday. Win.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Warm Bodies +1
Today was a hectic day at work. My boss is leaving for a few weeks. I needed to talk with him today. Who knew the conversation would last all the way through lunch? I ended up going out for lunch around 2pm. Luckily I had a cup of noodles to snack on in the morning.
At night, the family finished reading the book Lucky T. We have been reading it together for a while. Sometimes we ready aloud, taking turns on each page. Other times we read separately for a chapter or two. The next book on the list is Warm Bodies. Yeah it was made into a movie. Everyone in the family except me saw the movie. Hey. At least Little Kat will be interested in it.
Kit Kat proposed a future book that costs $12 for the eBook version. That seems steep. My recommendation costs $4 for the electronic version. We are settling on the book that Momoko recommended. That book has an eBook version, but it sucks. The images do not align with the text correctly. So I am buying 4 copies of the print version. I never feel like it is a wsste of money if we get the hardback or paperback version.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Doomsday Prepping Crash Course +1
Just finished reading an electronic book titled Doomsday Prepping Crash Course. It was a short book. However it taught me that I need to start preparing now. First goal is to get started. Second goal is to get some drinkable water. Today at lunch, I took a drive out to Walmart. They did not have large packs of small water bottles. Had to settle for the 16 ounze water bottles. Compared price per ounce. Got the cheapest one.
Next I needed to get some food that would not spoil. My first thought was to get some Ramen noodles. They had some 12 packs for cheap. Yes. I picked up beef and chicken flavor. Now I need to determine whether it is time to join a Sam's Club or BJ's to get a better rate. I figure I picked up enough for the whole family to live on for 6 days. That is not enough.
The important thing is to just get started. Challenge accepted.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Let It Snow +1
It snowed here last night. Momoko and Little Kat had a two hour delay in school opening. Kit Kat had her morning classes cancelled. She was happy because one of her morning classes was supposed to have a test. I had to go to work at normal time. That's how it goes when you work at home.
At lunch time, I went outside to survey the damage. My car was covered in snow. So was the whole driveway. It was time to clean off the snow. I first took care of my car. Then I saw Kit Kat come out of the house. She drove to school. I could not use the snow blower on the driveway because the snow was too wet. The snow blower works best if it is fluffy dry snow.
Luckily we have all kinds of snow shovels. I chose the big one that has good handles to pick up the snow. Pushing the snow was easy. Picking it up and throwing it to the side was hard. This was very wet snow. It was hard to scrape up the tracks left by the tires of Kit Kat's car. After an hour or so, I was done. I spread a bunch of rock salt and went to lunch.
There were a lot of people at Roy Rogers for it being a snow day. I got a seat and ate my meal quickly. Then I headed home. I figured I was already sweaty from shoveling snow, I should work out on the exercise machines. I skipped the weight lifting portion of my exercise. I already got more than enough of that lifting the heavy snow.
Let's hope this is the last of the snow for the season.
At lunch time, I went outside to survey the damage. My car was covered in snow. So was the whole driveway. It was time to clean off the snow. I first took care of my car. Then I saw Kit Kat come out of the house. She drove to school. I could not use the snow blower on the driveway because the snow was too wet. The snow blower works best if it is fluffy dry snow.
Luckily we have all kinds of snow shovels. I chose the big one that has good handles to pick up the snow. Pushing the snow was easy. Picking it up and throwing it to the side was hard. This was very wet snow. It was hard to scrape up the tracks left by the tires of Kit Kat's car. After an hour or so, I was done. I spread a bunch of rock salt and went to lunch.
There were a lot of people at Roy Rogers for it being a snow day. I got a seat and ate my meal quickly. Then I headed home. I figured I was already sweaty from shoveling snow, I should work out on the exercise machines. I skipped the weight lifting portion of my exercise. I already got more than enough of that lifting the heavy snow.
Let's hope this is the last of the snow for the season.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Messy Cat +1
Yesterday the family cleaned the basement so my bro and I could watch movies down there. Most of the mess came from Little Kat being alone down there playing video games. The family took the hit. We did the cleanup work. Then I told Little Kat to make sure the basement remains clean.
Today I paid some bills. Then I went to use the exercise equipment in the basement. There were controllers on the floor. There were shoes thrown about. It was the work of Little Kat. I tried to find him. But he was busy upstairs. Eventually he came downstairs and I told him about the fail.
Time to set this boy straight. I am not going to be picking up after him each week. Either he gets with the program, or he will be banned from the basement. And that is the only location where he can play his Xbox 360 games he gets from GameFly. I am positive I can command his attention and get him to change his ways.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Changing Plans +1
The family had planned to go couch shopping today. This was to provide a place for the kids to sit in the basement when my bro visits me each week. However Momoko was having trouble figuring out how to get the couch to fit with all the exercise equipment downstairs. My solution would be for me and my bro to watch movies downstairs, leaving our spacious and well equipped living room for Momoko and the kids.
Since we already planned to go shopping, we had some free time in our schedule. The family went to Fuddruckers to eat. Delicious as usual. Then we came home and cleaned up the basement. Little Kat plays video games down there. And where Little Kat goes, a mess is sure to follow.
Today my bro and I will test out whether the basement is good enough for us to watch movies each week. If so, I think I will buy some comfortable recliner chairs for us to sit on. Little Kat is fine with that. He plays video games in a chair down there right now. Let's see how this goes.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Kit Kat Knocked Out +1
I woke up for work a bit early this morning. Kit Kat was still asleep. I thought maybe she would be late for class. Then I worked but did not hear Kit Kat leaving for school. I snuck upstairs to find her still sleeping. Perhaps she was sick today.
I had to visit the dentist today at lunch. My dentist is located close to where I grew up. Unfortunately that is not close to my current residence. So I took a drive during lunch. The dentist's parking lot was full. I followed another car into the back lot, which was also full.
I was on lunch break. No time to lose. So I just pulled to the side of the driveway and hopped out. Got my dentist business done really quick. Then I visited one of my favorite Chinese food buffets. They had delicious dumplings. But I found that their signature Hong Kong Chicken was missing. That was an omen. Time for a veggie Chinese lunch.
After all this I come home, and Kit Kat is still asleep. She woke up in the afternoon. Was she sick? No. She had just slept through her alarm. Ouch. Her body knew she needed a break. Luckily her boss is on vacation, so she was planning to not go into work today.
Since I was busy for the whole lunch break, I could not do my normal exercises in the basement. That meant I had to hit the weight and exercise machines after work. That is a tough order to fill. After working hard and running around all day, the last thing I want to do is work out. But I got to keep up the streak. +1 x 8
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Pumping Iron +1
Momoko got Little Kat a weight bench some time ago. She wanted him to work out. I think it came with some dumbbells. Little Kat did some exercise at the school gym. He must have done the bench press. So he and I went out and got him a barbell. The barbell itself has some weight, so you don't have to add too much more to get a good workout.
Turns out Little Kat does not seem to use the bench much. Fail. But I am starting to exercise in the basement every day. I use the exercise equipment like the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical. In between using these machines, I lift weight with Little Kat's barbell. Hey. Somebody has to get some use out of the equipment.
On Satudays my bro comes over and we take over the family room. Momoko and the kids go downstairs to the workout room. They like to watch TV and eat down there. The problem is that we threw out the old sofa from that room. There is one reclining chair Little Kat uses for gaming. And there is a weight bench. Momoko's plan is for us to buy a new couch.
This room is not too large. The weight bench takes up an unusual amount of space because the barbell is long. Add in that half the room has a dropped ceiling, so I cannot lift the barbell over my head on one side of the room. Momoko tried to rearrange the stuff in the room to make space for a new couch. It looks like that is an impossible task.
Turns out Little Kat does not seem to use the bench much. Fail. But I am starting to exercise in the basement every day. I use the exercise equipment like the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical. In between using these machines, I lift weight with Little Kat's barbell. Hey. Somebody has to get some use out of the equipment.
On Satudays my bro comes over and we take over the family room. Momoko and the kids go downstairs to the workout room. They like to watch TV and eat down there. The problem is that we threw out the old sofa from that room. There is one reclining chair Little Kat uses for gaming. And there is a weight bench. Momoko's plan is for us to buy a new couch.
This room is not too large. The weight bench takes up an unusual amount of space because the barbell is long. Add in that half the room has a dropped ceiling, so I cannot lift the barbell over my head on one side of the room. Momoko tried to rearrange the stuff in the room to make space for a new couch. It looks like that is an impossible task.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Dead on Arrival +1
Last night Kit Kat and I picked up our Vokswagen Beetle from the dealership. We did this after work. When we finally dropped the car off at home, we went out for some dinner. We celebrated at the Silver Diner. I was really tired since I had to get up early to get the car checked out by my mechanic. Therefore I went to bed early.
I woke up today refreshed. My plan was to take the Beetle out at lunch to run some errands. I went outside and clicked the keyless remote to unlock the door. Nothing happened. Oh oh. I used the key to unlock the door. The car would not start. Now I kind of knew this would happen eventually. The dealership had trouble starting the car multiple times this past month.
I tried to use my truck to jump start the car. No luck. I had to call my mechanic, who sent over his tow truck man. This towing company uses a flatbed truck to carry cars to the shop. The guy put the Beetle in neutral, rolled it down the driveway, and used the winch to pull it up onto the flatbed truck.
Now let's hope my mechanic can diagnose the problem and fix it on the cheap. Otherwise we may have to borrow from the "house fund" to get this Beetle road worthy.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sale Finalized +1
Today the dealer I have been talking with brought their Volkswagon Bettle to my mechanic. I only trust my mechanic to evaluate used cars for me. He said there was some cosmetic issue with the roof. And the car had a lot of miles on it. Aside from that, he thought the engine and transmission were good. That is all I needed to hear.
Kit Kat and I drove east of town in rush hour traffic to get to the dealership. They were cleaning the car before presenting it to me. At first I thought I might need to confirm all the numbers we had talked about remained the same. Instead I just played it cool and filled out some paperwork. Boy am I glad that I kept my mouth shut.
Turned out the final bill was a couple hundred dollars less than I thought it would be. How's that for a change? At the end, when we went into the financing office, I found out where the discount came from. They charged me over $200 less for the base price of the car. I had no problems with that.
Kit Kat was happy that the custom paint/trim on the outside of the car was purple. It is a light purple. You can only see it if you pay attention. This car is pastel green. Kit Kat loves that color. I got in the car after a quick sale transaction. But I could not get the thing into reverse. Oh oh. My sales guy ran out of the building because he must have seen me moving forward many times toward the building.
Sales guy instructed me to press the shifter down into the ground to get it into reverse. Weird. My truck stick shift does not work like that. Anyway, I got on the road with Kit Kat following me from the dealership. The car was really easy to shift. It has almost 100k miles on it. So I figure I will spend some cash repairing it. Overall it felt like a good deal.
The fun started to sink in as I drove the car home. I was gong to immediately drop it off for my mechanic to do some preventive maintenance on it. I think that can wait. I need to drive this car.
Monday, March 18, 2013
VW New Beetle +1
I have determined that we just cannot find a new car with a manual transmission for Kit Kat to learn on. The prices in the paper are all come ons. The dealers will not sell the cars at those prices. There is always some kind of trick that drives the actual price up a thousand or two. That will just not fly.
Now I am looking around for a used car. I like dealing with the CarMax dealership. However their cars bottom out around $8000. That is too much for a used car. I recently found a lead on a used 2002 Volkswagon Beetle. It is the green color that Kit Kat loves. The thing has 96k miles on it. But it was selling for around $5000.
I called the dealership today. The only issue might be the extra $1000 vehicle restoration and state inspection fee they add to the sales price. I call those garbage fees. However it does provide the car with a two year warranty. I plan to visit the dealer soon to see if we can strike a deal. If so, I will have my trusted mechanic check out the car. If that is a go, we might be back in business.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday Night +1
Most of Kit Kat's friends are on spring break this week. So they are home from theit college dorms. Kit Kat planned to go play Laser Tag with them last night. She got dressed in some of her new clothes. Then a friend of hers she used to drive around a lot came to pick her us. This friend now has a license and access to a car.
Momoko and I watched a Netflix movie on demand. I just turned the streaming option back on because Momoko missed it. We watched Video Game High School. Even though it was a B-movie, it was pretty good. Little Kat said it was based on a YouTube video series he used to watch.
After the movie, I needed a snack. I had some coupons from my bro for McDonald's. Kit Kat and Momoko had already eaten some pie. So I figured they did not need a snack. I was wrong. Both of them wanted a midnight McDonald's sandwich snack. I gave in a picked them up some food.
Kit Kat and Momoko got tired and went to bed. I stayed up. Kit Kat eventually came in at 2am. She was going to spend the night at her friend's house. However they were so tired that they figured there would be no benefit to go over anybody's house. All they would do is sleep. So she came home and went to bed in her room.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Black Cat +1
Momoko is starting to go the pool to exercise each week. She brings Kit Kat and Little Kat along too. I don't like swimming. So I need an alternate plan to exercise. We have all this exercise equipment in the basement. Time to get to work. The trick to exercising is to be consistent. You got to keep doing it.
Momoko does not think I exercised much this year. Now I am going to record whether I exercise in my blog posts. On a day when I do exercise, I will put a "+1" by the picture in my blog posts. That way I have a permanent record as to when I did my work. I hope to have a lot of plusses by the end of the year.
Today was a typical workout day. I went downstairs and got on the treadmill. As I am walking, I switch on the TV and try to find something to watch. This works best because I am already exercising. I don't like to waste time flipping through TV channels. We got a 50 inch TV in the basement. So it is nice to watch.
After the treadmill, I grab Little Kat's barbell and do some curls. Somebody has to use that equipment. And it is not Little Kat. Then I go to the bike. After 5 minutes of spinning with medium resistance, I go back for some barbell curls. Finally I work out on the elliptical set on medium resistance. The whole exercise program should take less than 30 minutes. If I hustle between machines, I can do it in 20.
Momoko is starting to go the pool to exercise each week. She brings Kit Kat and Little Kat along too. I don't like swimming. So I need an alternate plan to exercise. We have all this exercise equipment in the basement. Time to get to work. The trick to exercising is to be consistent. You got to keep doing it.
Momoko does not think I exercised much this year. Now I am going to record whether I exercise in my blog posts. On a day when I do exercise, I will put a "+1" by the picture in my blog posts. That way I have a permanent record as to when I did my work. I hope to have a lot of plusses by the end of the year.
Today was a typical workout day. I went downstairs and got on the treadmill. As I am walking, I switch on the TV and try to find something to watch. This works best because I am already exercising. I don't like to waste time flipping through TV channels. We got a 50 inch TV in the basement. So it is nice to watch.
After the treadmill, I grab Little Kat's barbell and do some curls. Somebody has to use that equipment. And it is not Little Kat. Then I go to the bike. After 5 minutes of spinning with medium resistance, I go back for some barbell curls. Finally I work out on the elliptical set on medium resistance. The whole exercise program should take less than 30 minutes. If I hustle between machines, I can do it in 20.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Computer Construction +1
Last year Little Kat wanted permission to rent a gaming server on a monthly basis. Momoko and I were apprehensive. We asked why Little Kat couldn't just install it on his computer. He said he tried. But he thought his computer did not have enough resources to support the game server. We planned on spending time last Christmas building a computer which did. For some reason those plans fell through.
Recently I saw a course from my old college. It was on building your own computer. That sounded exactly like what we needed. I find college classes keep me on track. I am forced to deal with the studying and the work. Maybe Little Kat and I can sign up for this course together.
This week I thought I sensed an omen that we should take the class. A friend of mine from my old college told me she was taking the course this semester. She said the instructors really knew their stuff about PC part selection and assembly. She called them experts. There was only one catch. The cost of the parts was over $1000.
WTF? I bought my laptop for only $250. What kind of hand assembled desktop computer costs $1000? This is not a Mac Pro. It is a PC compatible. I guess this $1000 computer will be a gaming computer, which requires all kinds of memory, video, and processing power. What is a scrappy student to do?
Well I do have some experience in handling high college costs. I let my employer pick up the bill. It is one of my benefits at work - college costs all covered up to a certain maximum per year. I make use of those funds. Now I just need to figure out how to convince my boss that I need to take a PC assembly class...
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Approach of the Clone
I went to my normal hangout before college class today. That would be Roy Rogers. I get their number one meal, which is a burger, fries, and soft drink. As usual, I put the crucial jalapeno peppers on my burger to give it some kick. I brought along a trade press magazine to read during dinner. This is a magazine for my computer programming field. Got to keep up with the latest trends in the industry.
I read the whole magazine from cover to cover. There were some interesting developments in there. However I did not keep an eye on the time. It put me a little behind schedule. So I punched it on the road to get to class. Luckily there was little to no traffic. I made it with a few minutes to spare. I had a seat in the lounge located in the basement of my classroom building.
In the lounge, I played some iPhone games. I looked up and saw a surprise. Some dude was walking toward me. And he looked just like me. Perhaps he was a bit younger. But he could have been my double. I tried hard not to state. I wondered if I should have said, "Hey bro. You look like my bro." LOL. I did not. Don't want to freak out these youngsters at college.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Seeing the Trees
Today I met my friend from the last college I attended. I actually met her on the campus of the college we attended together. We planned to go visit this plant and flower museum. I tried to enter the address in my car GPS. However the GPS did not recognize the address. Weird. I had some backup printed directions. En route, my friend said we should use the GPS in my iPhone.
We tried to have the iPhone guide us. I never tried that before and it showed. The phone would not speak the directions to us. So my friend read the directions. We went down a road, but it felt like the wrong direction. I knew it was wrong after many miles. We switched back to the printed directions. That got us close to the museum. However we must have passed it.
I realized we had gone too far. Unfortunately we were stuck in the middle of the city. I was turned around. I called the museum. They tried to give me directions back to their place. We could not follow them. I parked on the side of the road and studied the map for a long time. Then I came up with a plan, and we somehow made it.
At the information office, we were told that the Bonsai garden was a must see. The Bonsai trees were split up into separate collections. I took a bunch of pictures. In the middle, some old guy approached us, trying to tell us what the best trees were. I was annoyed, but I remained respectful. The old guy was impressed that another visitor knew which trees were famous.
I just wanted to enjoy the trees. Old guy got the message and eventually left. Strangely enough, there was a large rare rock collection on display in the Bonsai section. Some of the rocks were so strangely designed that we thought they could not be natural. Before leaving, we took a detour walking into the herb garden. Not many herbs were in season yet. On the way out, we took a drive around the grounds of the museum. The darn GPS was taking us in circles inside the grounds of the museum. Eventually it got us back to campus.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Locked Out
I brought in the trash cans from the rain. Had to turn them upside down to dry them out. Then I thought I would prepare for taking out the recyclables tonight. I dumped the container we have in the house into the large container outside. Then I had some newspapers I wanted to keep for wrapping purposes. I reached for the key to the carport shed, and found it missing.
I texted the whole family about the missing key. Kit Kat had no idea where it might be. Momoko said that she and Little Kat had used the shed to spread rock salt before the last storm. Little Kat is on restriction, so he does not have his phone with him. I told him about the problem when he arrived home.
Little Kat and I went thought both our jacket and pants pockets. Nothing turned up. Then I asked him about the day he spread the rock salt. He said he wore his heavy jacket, which was still in Kit Kat's car. Kit Kat finally came home from work. She had Little Kat's jacket. But there was no key in the pockets.
Now I do have a duplicate key hidden away in my study. So I could get into the shed. But we can't use that key, because it will get lost again and we will be permanently locked out of the shed. It is time to get a new lock so we can have two copies of the key to the lock.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Kia Fail Event

We spoke to a woman at the front desk, who pawned us off to a sales guy. He could not find the car whose ad I printed off from the Internet. But he found one that was close. Kit Kat said she fit well in the driver's seat. The clutch pedal was a bit close to the brake. But the overall space was large inside the car.
We had the sales guy drive us down the street in the vehicle to ensure the car was not a lemon. I asked him to take the car up to 55 mph, thinking he would take us onto the highway. Instead he punched it on the back roads, giving us a bit of a scare. The car drove fine.
Next we went inside to ensure we knew the details of the cost. It took a few minutes to identify that their misleading sales ad hid the fact that we needed to add on a $775 destination fee. Then there was another $174 in extra options that this car had. It took around 30 minutes to find out the price depended on qualifying for a $500 recent college grad and $750 military discount (which I did not qualify for).
In the end, without the discounts, and with the added costs, I was pretty much having to pay near MSRP. That's fail. Next up - I will try to check out a Nissan Versa ad I saw in the paper. This Kia dealership needs to stop the fail.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Getting Some Soul
It is time to get back to teaching Kit Kat how to drive a manual transmission vehicle. I figured we would go back to learning in my pickup truck. Kit Kat complained that is was difficult to drive the truck. Her legs are a bit short. So we slide the front seat up close to the pedals. But then the steering wheel it too close to her. Plus the truck itself is hard to drive in general.
Momoko thought we could just hire somebody who has a manual transmission vehicle to teach Kit Kat. However the last time we hired someone to teach Kit Kat driving, it was a total failure. Momoko also thought we might be able to borrow a manual transmission vehicle. Or perhaps we coud rent one.
Why rent when you can own? Just the other day, I saw a 2012 Nissan Versa manual transmission on super sale for $10,500. Wouldn't you know it? Both of the Versas at that low price point were sold in a week. I wish I knew about Kit Kat's aversion to the truck back then.
That's okay. I just discovered a bunch of manual transmission Kia Souls on sale for $12,700. Yeah it is a little more expensive. But these are the Souls. You know. The ones in the commercial where the hamsters are dancing and driving the vehicles. I mean the Soul is a win just for the commercial.
Kit Kat and I plan to visit the dealership on Sunday. Wish us luck. Go Kia.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Fast Food Frenzy
I had a busy morning at work. Since I am taking next week off for training, I needed to wrap some things up at work. People were trying to get in touch with me before I left. It was tough to get a break for lunch. When I did come upstairs, I saw Kit Kat. One of her classes was cancelled. So she came home early for lunch. She whipped up a salad, complete with hard boiled egg. It smelled so good.
After work I was trying to get ready for school. Then a manager had a last minute request for some research. Okay I figured I could help out. Then a guy on my team got stuck and needed help. I had to bolt out of there fast. Can't get stuck on a school night. Was dragging my feet getting ready for school. I just wanted to take a nap. But I did not want to sleep through class.
Finally I got out of the house. Momomoko was coming home just as I was pulling out. I decided to drop by the retro Roy Rogers down the street. They cooked up my burger and fries real fast. Thanks Roys! I was busy putting fixings on my burger, when I heard someone say, "Hello neighbor." It was my next door neighbor. Turns out he loves Roys too. He confided that he used to work there when he was younger.
Luckily some boys in class were falling behind. The instructor dismissed the class an hour and a half early so he could help the slackers catch up. I called up Momoko, and got an order for some McDonalds. Of course I hit the drive through. When it was time for me to pick up my food at the window, the car in front of me stopped. What the heck? He eventually got out of the way.
Then as I am trying to get out of the drive through lane, some SUV starts coming in the drive through the wrong way. Oh this is not my night. Luckily the fool figured out he was going the wrong way. He backed and and took a long time to get out of the parking lot and out of my way. I made it home safe in one piece. The family enjoyed the McDonalds snack. Kit Kat got her usual Shamrock shake. I tried some type of snack wrap to mix it up.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Fully Committed
Little Kat needs a lot of help getting better at reading. The family spends 30 minutes a week reading out loud. We are all reading the same book together. We also read a few chapters a week individually, then come back together to discuss once a week.
I am fully committed to this effort. I fund the purchase of the books. That is the first level of commitment. I also log words that I think Little Kat may not know. He usually cannot define them. I also go and look up each of the words, to make sure I can either explain them, or help Little Kat when he tries to look them up and understand them. The is the second level of commitment.
You would think we could just tell Little Kat to look up the words he does not know. However he is a slacking type of reader. He will just skip over words he does not know. Fail. We should have done this 10 years ago. Little Kat would be a much stronger reader.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The End of Kindle Buffet
Previously I had discovered the Kindle Buffet web site. It listed the latest free electronic books (eBooks) available on Amazon. I would download the best to my laptop, and read like crazy to keep up. Of course I could not keep up. This site had pages of free books. These were the top rated free books of the day. After a while, I started being more picky about the books I downloaded. Did not want to fill up my Kindle Reader without need.
Last week something strange happened. The site stopped listing new books. There was a message from the site owner. He seemed pissed off. I guess he used to make some money when he sent people to the Amazon web site, even though the books people bought were free. Apparently Amazon reversed its policy. Now the guy does not make money off Amazon.
This guy was spending his life, finding and listing the free books each day. He was apparently making a living off of it. Then the source of income dried up. Now the guy is salty. There were 10 to 20 thousand people visiting his site every day. Like me, they want to know when the free book listings will resume. The guy managing the site is getting salty.
Luckily I have already downloaded over 2000 books from Amazon for free. They look pretty good. So far, after reading about 50 of them, I find that around 90% of them are pretty good. Like others who used the site, I find that I might spent the rest of my life trying to read all the books I downloaded. I often try to value the collection of books I have downloaded. If I were to price each one at a conservative $2.99 each, I got a collection here worth over $5000. Yee haw I love a good deal.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Eye Trouble
Last week, Kit Kat had her eye injured by her contact lense. Or perhaps it was something that got caught in her contact lens. When I got home from my late night colleg class, she was in pain. She decided to go to her first class of the day the following day. She took her exam. Then she came home.
I saw Kit Kat lay down on the couch. At lunch time I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch. She was knocked out asleep on the couch. I stuck around for an hour, leaving her sleep. Then I made some noise and Kit Kat woke up slowly. I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch with me. She was too self-concious about her swollen eye. She said everyone was always staring at her. We opted to dine in with some Chinese food carry out.
I needed to get back to work. Kit Kat was supposed to go to the doctor's or the clinic. She opted not to. Momoko came home and overruled Kit Kat. Momoko took her to the eyeglass store. The eye doctor on site was worried, and gave Kit Kat some drops to put in her eye every hour. The next day, the eyeglass store doctor said it looked like Kit Kat was healing nicely.
Good thing this was nothing serious. Kit Kat still insists on wearing those contacts.
I saw Kit Kat lay down on the couch. At lunch time I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch. She was knocked out asleep on the couch. I stuck around for an hour, leaving her sleep. Then I made some noise and Kit Kat woke up slowly. I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch with me. She was too self-concious about her swollen eye. She said everyone was always staring at her. We opted to dine in with some Chinese food carry out.
I needed to get back to work. Kit Kat was supposed to go to the doctor's or the clinic. She opted not to. Momoko came home and overruled Kit Kat. Momoko took her to the eyeglass store. The eye doctor on site was worried, and gave Kit Kat some drops to put in her eye every hour. The next day, the eyeglass store doctor said it looked like Kit Kat was healing nicely.
Good thing this was nothing serious. Kit Kat still insists on wearing those contacts.
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