Little Kat informed me that his musket rifle keeps getting worse and worse. He asked that we go get some wood glue to repair it. For now he wrapped the handle in some packing tape. That should hold back the cracks until permanent help arrives.
Kit Kat went over to her friend's house to work on a group project. This has been going on for the last couple weeks. I think this friend is a guy cat. It sounds a bit suspicious. Perhaps this is a guy she likes. I'm gonna let Mamma Kat do the investigative work on this one. This is actually just a test to see whether Kit Kat reads our blog.
No comment yet from Kit Kat I see.
Sound like you have enough junk mail to make a small fire. Are you glad you back home?
Chris is just a friend who happens to be in the class that gives us alot of group projects. He lives near me so we usually make a group of three to work together. One cat couln't make it last time so it was just me and Chris.
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