This weekend, Momoko took me to the pet store. I spied two huge and brightly colored fish. Too bad they were the aggressive variety and would eat up all our fish. They were expensive too. I ended up buying some tropical fish. There was a black molly, red mickey, red wag platy, and red glass barb. Those names mean nothing to me. Hopefully all you fish enthusiasts know what I got.
The trend is that I got some bright red fish that seem to move around a bit. One of them (the red glass barb) swims back and forth, up and down with abandon. I hope it does not use up all its energy a die. They rest of the new fish seem to swim around a lot, and go up high in the fish tank. The older fish seem more excited too.
On a totally separate note, I had to get up at the crack of down to drive across town to headquarters. Had a meeting with some managers. It went ok. Ate lunch with a new employee I had not seen for a couple year. Visited Momoko's college and picked up an application for graduation for her. Come on Momoko. Get your degree.
The fish Black picked out are the most colorful in the tank!
I love mollies and platies, I have all kinds of them but with mollies they need a little salt in the water. Momoko may already be putting salt in the water, love bright colors. I just got two
yo yo loaches that are fun to watch. They do eat snails, so if you like your snails don't get them. I don't so that is a plus!!
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