I told Little Kat we could back up his data and see whether we could restore his laptop to the factory default settings. Momoko thought I could buy myself a new laptop, then let Little Kat use mine. At first I thought that was a bad idea. Then I took a look at the Sunday ads. Best Buy had a Dell laptop on sale for $350. It had 4G RAM, a 500GB hard drive, and a 15.6 inch display.
Tonight Little Kat and I try to scope out the laptop at the store. It was crowded. I asked a buy unloaded some boxes to help us out. He told us most of the low cost laptops were sold out. The only one for $350 had a small screen and no numeric keypad. The best low cost laptop Little Kat found for me cost $479. Too much.
Now we are at home regrouping.
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