Saturday, April 18, 2015

Less reps. More weight.

Momoko and I bought Little Kat a weight bench and some weight a while ago. The kid used them maybe once or twice. What a waste. Then I figured I could make use of these things. So I started doing some exercise with the weights.

Initially I just put some weights on a barbell and started lifting. Then I decided I should add some more weights. I put on enough so that I could lift the bar five times. Eventually that got easy. Developing muscles? I guess so.

Then I started to lift the barbell seven times. I would do that for three sets every time I exercised. I rotated between curls, reverse curls, and pressing the weights over my head. Want to spread the muscle gain around.

Recently even seven repetitions was getting too easy. So I added some more weights. Just a bit. Another five pounds and the thing is very heavy once again. I think the trick to muscle building is to keep adding more weights. That might be hard. But Arnold says, "No pain, no gain."

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