Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bedroom Trouble

Little Kat's room was getting messy. We had him clean it up before the end of the last time off from school. Then Little Kat decided to remodel his room. I bought him a bunch of new furniture. He assembled it all. The problem was that he did not get rid of the old furniture. He also kept all the packaging material from the new furniture.

I tasked Momoko with overseeing the clean up this time around. She requested some assistance. There was a lot of heavy old furniture up there. Little Kat and I carried it out of the house today. It was a strenuous activity. Then Little Kat got rid of the packing material. That was just the start. Momoko guided Little Kat to declutter.

We might need to keep better tabs on Little Kat's room. He just does not have the ability to stop hoarding.

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