Friday, July 8, 2016

Trash Management

One of the last areas I need to clean out of my dad's house is his shed. It is actually a double shed packed with all kinds of things. Going to throw most of it out. So earlier this week, I brought some of my own home's trash cans to help with the effort. I filled up a whopping 5 trash cans and left them out for the collector.

Then I returned on the day of trash collection. Had worked some extra hours at work, so I left early and headed to my dad's house. I found that the trash had not been collected yet. That's okay. I took advantage and bagged up 5 trash bags worth of trash from the sheds and topped off the cans.

Normally I choose not to bag anything because some neighbors go through the trash cans. They tear up the bags and make a mess. However with the trash collection imminent, I decided I was safe. The hard part of the day was figuring out what to do with all the supplies. There were heavy containers I needed to dump out.

Most items I just emptied onto the compost pile. They were bio-degradable. But there was a lot of concrete mix. I decided to make a small drainage wall with the excess. Not sure if the mix was any good. We shall see when I return.

Eventually the trash man came. I filled up the 5 containers once again. Between that and the concrete wall construction, I was beat. I came with a 20 ounce cup of ice water. I refilled it with another 20 ounce bottle of water. Then I chased it with an Orange Crush. I wanted to cut up the recyclables, but I was just too tired. Four to five hours work in the hot and humid weather was enough. I headed home.

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