Sunday, June 18, 2017

New Siding for the Shed

I had been noticing that the paint on my carport shed was all peeling. So at the end of last year, I asked my handyman to repaint the shed. He told me he could do the painting. However it was the wood itself that was the problem. Paint would not solve my issue. He recommended that I have him put new vinyl siding on the shed.

This was not a high priority task. I had my handyman build a closet for my brother. Then I had him install a new window A/C unit in our bedroom. Finally it was time to get to the shed. My handyman had to order the siding. He came and installed it. Turns out he must have misestimated. There was not enough siding to finish the job.

Like I said, this was not a priority job. So I waited for my handyman to order some more siding. After a while, I got tired of looking at the job half done. Therefore I called my handyman and asked him to step up the pace. He came this week and finished up the siding. It looks really good. The doors were the only part of the shed that had not peeled. But to match the nice finish of the siding, my handyman painted the doors.

Now my shed looks brand new on the outside. My other large shed already has vinyl siding on it. I should be set as far as sheds are concerned.

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