Saturday, July 1, 2017

All Vacations Come to an End

Our grand vacation eventually had to come to an end. Grandma leaves for work at 7:15am local time. So we planned to wake up at 7:00am to say goodbye. I woke up at 6:00am, thinking it was still 5:00am local time. Oops. The iPhone displayed local time, not my own time zone. We saw grandma off to work.

Then we packed up the rental car and said our last goodbyes. Filled up the big Chevy Suburban SUV gas tank. It did not cost as much as I thought it would. Then I dropped Momoko and Little Kat with our luggage at departures. I took the rental back to the rental lot and took the bus to the airport. We checked in with ease.

For brunch we ate at a deli inside the airport. Little Kat opted for a sandwich with double meat, but could not finish the thing. What a waste. At least Momoko was paying. This was a full flight. Still, Little Kat decided to get a window seat by himself in another aisle. It came down to the last few passengers.

I had the window; Momoko had the aisle. Hercules comes down the plane along with a little old woman. Luckily the woman say between me and Momoko. The flight made record time. It even had to circle around over the bay/ocean while waiting for clearance to land. And land we did with a bang. Such a hard landing that the old lady beside me was praying up a storm.

Everyone was at work when we arrived home. So we took a cab ride home. It cost over $60 but was worth it. The cabbie was a wild drive who talked on his cell phone and read the paper while driving. I still tipped him because he got us home quickly and probably has a tough job overall. We were glad to see my bro and Kit Kat when they got home from work.

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