Monday, January 8, 2018

Fiat 500 Air Pressure Issues

Momoko and Kit Kat went to see Pitch Perfect 3 at the theater. I could not go as I had too much work to do. First up, the Fiat was warning me that my tire pressure was too low. I tried checking it out with my tire gauge. The thing was too cold to read the air pressure.

So I put the gauge in the house and let it warm up. I carted out bags full of leaves that I had in the back yard since last year. Tomorrow is the first time that they are doing yard clippings collections in a few week. After that, I checked my tires. They were all low by around 3 to 4 pounds of pressure.

Went to the local gas station. Couple cars were filling up their tires with air. I gassed up and them took my turn. Filled all tires up a few pounds above recommended value. Then I let the air out until they were all exactly at the recommended pressure.

I did a couple loads of laundry today. Hardest was the absorbent socks we have in our bedroom window sills. They soaked up water. But the water froze. I ran the socks under the hot water until the ice melted off. The I ran the socks through a laundry cycle.

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