Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Yard Work on the Hill

Turned out that I had to work all weekend. But here is the strange thing. My customer said that my hours were capped. So what am I supposed to do? I tell you what. Worked a couple half-days. Then took the second half of the week off.

With my early departure on the half days, I decided to do some strenuous yard work. We have a hill that slopes all the way down to a creek on the back of our property. I have been neglecting this area from yard maintenance because it is hard to do anything on that slope.

Well now it was time. I had started to rake up the years of leaves and am bagging them. Luckily the county comes once a week to pick up yard clippings. The only requirement is that I bag everything in tall paper bags. No problem. I just bought a boatload of those bags.

I have a lot of other errands to run. I think I will do them on the days I am taking off at the end of the week. This is going to be one nice long weekend coming up. I deserve it.

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