Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hot Day to Cut the Grass

I had some free time. So I moved my car away from the edge of the driveway. Decided to cut the lawn. I knew I was in trouble when I started feeling hot in the front yard. I struggled to cut the grass in the back yard. By the time I was trimming, I was ready to pass out.

Somehow I made it inside, took a shower, and passed out. Later I realized that it was late and I had not eaten lunch yet. I went outside and realized I never put my car back after cutting the grass. Now the temperature may have been in the mid-90s. But the humidity was high. Winds were non-existent.

I hope this is not a precursor for the summer. The grass was not even that high yet. I might have to follow the pattern my buddy follows. He usually only cuts the front or back yard at a time. Hardly ever both because it takes a while and is hard.

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