Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Anime Convention

Momoko and I are out visiting her dad. It just so happens that an anime convention is being held a few hours away. We were excited that we might be able to attend. Unfortunately the hotel hosting the convention has long since sold out of rooms. We checked back to see if anyone cancelled their reservations. No luck.

Today I just happened to notice that a part of the convention is happening in a nearby hotel. And they had a few vacancies. The price is a little higher. And we would have to walk over to the main hotel. However Momoko and I decided we would do it.

We went outside in the oppressive heat today to practice what it would feel like to walk the distance between the hotels. It was hot. But it was doable. We are now booked for a room with a king size bed. I am getting off early from work on Friday so that we can get on the road for the trip.

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