Monday, October 28, 2019

To Catch a Cricket

I have heard crickets chirping down in our basement for a few nights in a row. Decided it was time to take action. I bulk purchased a bunch of traps from Amazon. They are just cardboard with sticky glue on one side. They are supposed to be able to be folded into a box. But that proved too tricky.

The first night, my brother and I set the traps all around the basement. We hugged the walls with them. There were some places too tight to put the big cardboard. But I thought we laid some good traps. The next morning, we catch our first cricket. I thought that might be the end of it.

Last night, I was on the main level eating and reading the newspaper. I saw a cricket out of the corner of my eye. Put the newspaper to good use and swatted it. Might have to lay some more cricket traps upstairs now.

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