Sunday, October 6, 2024

Watching College Volleyball

I usually go out to eat with my buddy from college twice a month. This time around, he wanted to go see the women's volleyball from his graduate school play. He asked that I drive us there. He hurt his leg. So I thought I could drop him off in from of the venue. He told me we could walk if I parked close.

At the ticket box, my buddy tried to pay with cash. They only accept credit card. Weird. We arrived just as things were getting started. They announced each player from the home team. We sat right at the 50 yard line (where the net was). They did not let you enter the upper decks. So we were pretty close.

There are 5 sets of 25 points each (except set 5 goes to 15 points). So winner if best of 3. The opposing team from Albany won the first 2 sets. It could have been a short game. However my buddy's school came back winning the last 3 sets, and won the match.

We tried to spy on the merch store. It is not open for volleyball games. At each match point, the crowd stood up and cheered. One intermission entertainment was a bunch of pizza boxes on one side of the net. Some contestants tried to serve volleyballs from the other side and hit the box for free pizza. Three out of 25 people actually hit a box.

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