Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rock Salt Restock

Momoko checked the rock salt in our carport shed. It had just about been depleted. She got help from my brother to move bags of it from our back yard big shed to the easily accessible carport shed. She only mentioned this to me in passing.

I asked her how many bags were left in the big shed. We need to keep stocked up. She thought there were five. I had her double check. There were only two. When it snows heavy like it did a week ago, all the rock salt in the region sells out.

While driving past a hardware store, we saw a sign that they had restocked winter supplies. I doubted  they had any rock salt available. If anything, they would have one or two overpriced small bags of ice melt. I checked online. Our local Lowes was sold out of everything - rock salt, ice melt, etc.

I decided to check around online. A store a couple cities north of us said they had everything. I also doubted it. But I swung by. There was nothing in front of the store. There was a box of overpriced ice melt in a front aisle. Another guy and I quizzed a store employee. He told us a couple places where rock salt might be.

I grabbed a heavy duty dolly. The other guy went to the outdoor area. I went to aisle 28. Bingo. There were two sections of rock salt. I asked the employee if there was a limit to how much I could buy. He had no clue. I decided to load up 10 bags at under $12 each. The checkout girl did not care how much I had.

Put four bags in the carport shed (it had already been drained down to half a bag in there). Moved my brother's SUV out of the way. Then I backed my SUV into the corner of our driveway. I carried six bags of 50 pound rock salt into our big shed. It was tricky as the snow was high and the ramp up the shed had packed slippery snow on it.

Momoko said the true snow-mageddon is coming this upcoming weekend. Could be as much as 14 inches at a time. Multiple snowfalls are expected. At least we are prepared in the rock salr department,

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