I recently purchased a new car. I wish buying a new car was as easy as looking up the price and figuring out what your payments will be but I soon discovered it was a lot more scary out there than that. You have to play a game in order to get a reasonable deal.
First, you have to know that the MSRP is a joke and if you buy something at this price you will be giving a salesperson a nice bonus. No matter how much they protest, the price should be somewhere past the "invoice" price. Be willing to walk away if they cannot bring the price down that low. They will soon be calling you. I actually got a good price quote from an internet quote. I did notice that a lot of dealerships refrain from putting a quote in writing. They want to call you with details or get you to come in but do not fall for it. Ask for the quote in writing or tell them they will not get your business.
Next, it helps if you have a firm trade in price. I always go to Carmax before going to a dealership so I can get the maximum price on my trade in. If the dealership offers to give you $7000 for your car you can tell them you will have to wait to buy because you have to sell you car to Carmax for $9000. Make sure you have your actual quote from Carmax because they will want to see it but they will match this price.
Last, know your financing options. I went to my Credit Union before negotiating a deal. I knew what my payments would be but I still let the dealership try to beat that price and to my surprise they were able to go down quite a lot.
I know the dealership wanted me to think I was a "super" negotiator but I still think they made money. I was just happy to get the car I wanted for a price I thought was reasonable.
Happy Hunting!!
Nice job!!
Good going Mamma. Get that car for the lowest price possible. Nobody is buying cars these days. So you hold the power.
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