My brother visits me every Saturday. He is a good cat. So I did not want to cancel plans with him this weekend. I kept falling asleep as we were watching our second movie together though. When he left, I had to go upstairs for a cat nap. It turned into a long slumber though.
I woke up in the middle of the night very thirsty. Mamma Kat had not come to bed. I came downstairs to find nobody in the house. That was strange. I checked the driveway, and Mamma Kat's car was still here. Then I saw that the bag containing the new tent the family bought was missing. I figured everybody except me must have been out in the back yard camping out to test the new tent. After a few minutes I found Mamma Kat coming in the side door. She was checking on the kids who had pitched the tent and were sound asleep out back. Whew. Now I can go back to sleep in peace.
Are You camping out soon. Sounds like fun for those little kats. I like the soft bed myself.
Yeah I got talked into a camping weekend in 2 weeks. It might still be cold. We are going up in the mountains, so the temperature will be colder than here. At least we will be arriving in style (driving a new car named Ty).
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