Kit Kat stubbed her toe while making breakfast. She said that was a bad omen. I believe her. Little Kat was not concerned with anything but playing in the snow. However when the power went out, we needed to bring him in.
When the snow is high and the temperature is low, you got to plan for the worst. That means conserving precious resources. Little Kat wanted to us the batteries to blow up some air mattresses. We had to inform him that the light from flashlights was more important than any air mattresses. More on the great power outage 2010 later.
No school today I noticed, did you have to go to work?
Black worked smarter on this one...he brought his work home with him just in case we had a lot of snow. He worked from home today!
Yep I had to work. But I was allowed to work from home. You would think that would be a good thing. But when I work from home, people call me all day long with issues from work. I can never work just 8 hours a day if I am working from home. A blessing and a curse.
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