Last night we had a little snowstorm. It was enough to cause a snow day. After doing the happy dance for getting the day off, I crawled back into my warm and toasty bed. Sometime during my snoozing, Black had to slip out and go to work. It is so sad that he never gets a snow day. The kittens and I slept until nearly 11 AM. We have a few chores to complete. The driveway needs to be cleared. I think I will just hire the kittens to do the work. I brought some work home and I guess I should attend to it. The only good news it that I got to sleep in today!!! I love snow days in the winter. I just hate them in the summer when we have to make them up at the end of the school year.
Yeah for you, SNOW DAY !!!
I like the sleeping in part, poor black he didn't get to sleep in.
Yeah I had to get up early and go to work. At least the driveway was clear of snow by the time I got home from work.
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