Momoko and I got up early this morning and headed to the airport. The traffic was light. So we stopped off at Burger King for some breakfast close to the airport. Weird people kept try to enter the exit from security in the airport. That causes all kinds of automatic alarms to go off. It kept us awake.
We saw the kids pass the exit. Kit Kat was sporting a ball cap. Little Kat had a new shirt on with words like "welcome
da lobsta". He was proud of it because he bought it with his own money.
When we got home I decided to finally deal with a tree situation on our street. Down the street there is a tree in a neighbor's yard. The branches hang down over top of the street where we drive. The wood hits the top of our cars as we drive by. I gave the owner some time to realize and deal with this tree. No luck.
I packed up my handy truck with my ladder, saw, and gloves. Then I drove past the place where the branches hung. I parked my truck so nobody would drive around the corner and knock me off my ladder. The larger branches were hard to cut off. I think I did a good job. Packed all the limbs into my truck and drove back home. In the driveway I chopped up the limbs and bagged then for the trash man.
Finally this afternoon I bleached our shower. The mold just keeps coming back. Bleach is the only cure. The problem is that the bleach fumes always knock me out. Hopefully I can get some more rest later. Good thing I took this day off work to deal with the kids. Otherwise I would really be knocked out.