I wanted to move my work computer to the basement. The problem is that I need that physical network connection. I thought I could hire my handyman to somehow install some ports in the wall that would connect the two floors. That way I could connect my router to the wall, and my work computer to the wall on another level of the house, and still have them communicate. My handyman said he could do it for a couple hundred bucks. But he needed me to go buy the materials.
I went to Radio Shack as my handyman suggested. They did not have the ports for the walls. They referred me to Best Buy. After waiting in line to speak with the experts for a while, I once again explained my goals and asked if they had materials for my solution. Instead they sold me some devices that make a connection through the existing power lines in the house. Once little box connects to the router and a plug in the wall. Another box connects to a plug in the wall on another level of the house, then connects to my work computer. Bamm. This setup actually works.
To make the connection diagram even more complicated, Best Buy sold me an extra hub. That is a box that will sit in the basement and be connected to the little box which plugs into the wall. The hub can have many devices connected to it. They all get an effective connection to my router, and thus the Internet. Life is about to get real good in our house (at least for Internet connectivity). Little Kat has been waiting such a long time to get his old Mac on the Internet.
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