Monday, November 16, 2020

Late Night Delivery

I forgot to give Little Kat the new insurance cards for the car I let him drive. Momoko also mentioned that he was running out of laundry detergent. I had given him a small bottle of Purex when he moved into his apartment. I had some extra bottles for him at our home.

I called up Little Kat, and scheduled a time to come by later at night. Asked him if he needed anything else. He said he was running out of paper towels and toilet paper. Oops. Luckily we always have some backup supplies at our house.

Put most of the stuff in a laundry basket, and drove off to Little Kat's apartment. By the time I got there, it was raining. I only came in my slippers. Parked in Little Kat's driveway. He came out and brought all the stuff into his apartment.

Of course Little Kat's housemate comes back to the house and parks in the driveway as I am parked there waiting for Little Kat. Oh well. Got to keep ahead of his supply needs. I ordered some more paper towels and toilet paper. Might also need to order some more Purex.

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