Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Yard Clippings

We had rain a couple days this week. So I did not collect as many leaves as I normally do. Today was leaf collection day by the county. They had not come to pick up by lunch time. So I went out into the yard to collect some more.

I used small paper grocery bags. I went on the hill. The leaf blower was no use as the leaf were moist. So I raked the leaves into piles on the hill. I used the lawn mower to collect the leaves. I mowed a straight line. I came back and tried to pull the mower up the hill. I fell. Luckily the mower went down the hill.

I am sore from the fall. I did work methodically to fill each small grocery bag and add it to the bags on the curb. The dregs had heavy items. I partially filled the dregs into small bags. Then I distributed those small bags into the different cans I had on the curb.

At the end, I realized I had half of a 30 gallon tall leaf bag in the shed. I did one more pass around a lot of the yard. Then I filled the big sticks in this bag. Topped it off with the last of the leaves I collected. And set everything out on the curb.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Weekend with Kit Kat

Kit Kat lives in her own apartment now. I don't see her often. I was off for a holiday. So I joined her and Momoko to meet up with some friends at a dive bar. Two friend came with their new baby. That was fun. Baby did some chirping but did not cry.

Afterwards, Momoko and Kit Kat stopped by a bakery and I picked them up in front to drive them home. Momoko and I eventually bought Kit Kat some Wing Stop, which we made our dinner. They gave us syrup-less drinks, so Little Kat got a refund from Door Dash.. Momoko had us watch New Amsterdam, which she got hooked up. We watched it during and after dinner.

Kit Kat stayed in our new guest bedroom. She said the bed was fine. In the morning, Momoko bought us Chick Fil a for breakfast. It was tough with all the cars there to even get to curbside delivery. We watched more New Amsterdam during breakfast. Momoko and Kit Kat went to CVS to pick up medicine. Then Kit Kat headed out with Little Kat to play D&D.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Return to Chick-Fil-A

We used to go to Chick Fil A every weekend. Then I got parked one time. Five people behind me in the drive through got served and left. Seemed they forgot about me for a while. Next time they tried to park me, I told them I won't be parked and forgotten about. Had to argue with three employees. At least I got my food.

I decided that was too much smoke. So I started going to other places to eat on the weekend. Momoko did not like this. But why would I go support the place where they just make me wait forever for my food. I figured there could be a compromise. I could order on the app and get it delivered to my car.

Today I downloaded the app. I got what everyone wanted. But I found no place to order sauces. We needed sauces. Momoko downloaded the app too and showed me the trick. When ordering a sandwich or chicken strips, I need to scroll down to a place where I can customize my order.

We went to a closer Chick Fil A that has the double lane drive through that I hate. We parked and had our order pretty quickly. Apparently they track my phone and start getting the meal ready when I am close by. This might work out. They did get the sauces right when I specified them using the trick on the app.