Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dinner Less

This afternoon Mamma Kat had a long meeting. So it was me and the small cats at home. Little Kat was supposed to cook us some dinner. He said there was nothing to cook. I put in a call with Mamma Kat.

About an hour later, Mamma Kat called me. She told me to have Kit Kat cook us up some Frankenfurters. They are a recipe from Rachael Ray. These are hot dogs wrapper in crescent rolls. They look a little like pigs in a blanket.

Those dogs were good. Cats like to put away dogs by nature. But I guess we were all hungry by the time the food was done. We all watched some anime on cable tonight. And a few of us celebrated by eating ice cream and leftover birthday cake. Time to go shopping to fill the cupboards.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Camping Weekend

Mamma Kat and I decided that we would go camping last weekend. Kit Kat was not happy with this, since it interfered with her birthday plans. We trumped her complaints. However we did allow her to invite two other cats from her school to join us.

Kit Kat and her friends stayed up very late the night before camping. So it took them a while to wake up. We all went to eat a good breakfast at the Silver Diner. Kit Kat got some strange drink to go with her breakfast. I thought it was a fancy chocolate milk.

We packed up the back of my truck. Then we formed a Caravan with Mamma Kat's new car to a camp site I had reserved for us. We found a square pad filled with gravel. As we started to put together our tents, we noticed we were missing tent poles for our main tent. Little Kat and I took the truck back home to retrieve the poles. We also drove the truck to buy some firewood at the camp site. Little Kat was in charge of building cooking fires for the weekend.

As we settled down to play some games with Kit Kat and her friends, it started to rain. We then decided to put the rain proof part of the tent over top of the tents. The only problem was that we were missing that for the main tent. Mamma Kat scrambled to tie together a make shift rain fly to prevent us from getting soaked. Then fun was only just beginning. Some wild band of boy campers next to us broke out the guitar and played in the rain. Nice huh?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today Little Kat went from being a Kitten Scout to a Cat Scout. He earned the highest rank he could. I am so proud of all his hard work! GOOD JOB!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Birthday Celebration

My boss is out of town. In fact, he is out of the country. So I am doing my job and his. Therefore I had to get in early today. The only good thing about getting in early was that I could get a lot done. In the mid day, a lot of people visit and call me for help. So progress is slow.

Since I got such a good head start on the day, I was able to leave a little early. I got home and it was still bright. Whenever this happens, I go out to work in the yard. After a while, Little Kat came out and helped me. Even Mamma Kat came out for some support.

Kit Kat would have helped. But she was getting the house ready for her friends. Two of them are spending the night. Tomorrow we all go camping together. After dinner, Kit Kat and I opened a bunch of gifts we received. I got a number of books, shirts, videos, and other creative gifts. I'm not going to say how old I am. But I am no spring chicken any more.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lil Kat in a Pup Tent

Little Kat has to prepare for camping with the Boy Scouts he is joining. He needs to be able to carry his tent to a site and set it up by himself. There is no way Little Kat can handle out massive 7-man tent. So Mamma Kat bought him a little pup tent.

Now I have not seen this thing yet. Little Kat says it is called a 2-man tent. However Mamma Kat said it is barely big enough for Little Kat. He set it up in the back yard tonight. And now he plans to spend the night out there by himself. That sounds like a bold move. We back to woods. Who knows what type of predators roam back there.

In more positive news, Little Kat and I borrowed some wood glue from my dad. We disassembled his broken musket rifle. Then we applied the wood glue. We put the gun back together. Then we formed a cast around the gun with duct tape.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Delivery Man

Today I went out to lunch with my friend at work. We went to our favorite Chinese food restaurant. It had been a while since we were there because I was on vacation last week.

Mamma Kat warned me she would be at work and then school all day. It was those darn meeting and late night classes again. So I picked her up some Chinese food to go.

I had to pick Little Kat up from school. That was good because he usually does not get home so early. Before I went to my own college class tonight, I bought the kids some Pizza Hut pasta. It came with some delicious bread sticks. We need to go shopping and get some food to cook. Maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Today the family went over my parents' house for Easter. Kit Kat cooked us up some of her famous devilled eggs. We brought some plastic eggs to have an Easter Egg hunt there as well.

My brother and I hid the plastic eggs in my parents' back yard. This year we decided on a short egg hunt. So we placed 20 eggs in some tricky spots.

In previous years we gave Little Kat a head start so Kit Kat would not find all the eggs. This troubled Kit Kat before. Since Little Kat is growing up, there was no handicap. They both went out full force to find the eggs.

After a mid-day Easter dinner, the family sat down to rest. Little Kat seemed to still be overflowing with energy. So he went to my parents' basement and worked out on the stationary bike and treadmill. We got a bonus in that my dad loaned us some wood glue to help repair Little Kat's musket that is broken.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mail Delivery

While our family was on vacation, I instructed the Post Office to hold out mail. A week's worth of mail for our house cannot fit in our mail box. Today the postwoman delivered the mail for the last week. It was so large that they had to give us a mail crate. Whew. Now I need to go through all this mail to find the bill's that need to be paid.

Little Kat informed me that his musket rifle keeps getting worse and worse. He asked that we go get some wood glue to repair it. For now he wrapped the handle in some packing tape. That should hold back the cracks until permanent help arrives.

Kit Kat went over to her friend's house to work on a group project. This has been going on for the last couple weeks. I think this friend is a guy cat. It sounds a bit suspicious. Perhaps this is a guy she likes. I'm gonna let Mamma Kat do the investigative work on this one. This is actually just a test to see whether Kit Kat reads our blog.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Faulty Alarm

It was the last night of our vacation. We had a big celebration at the local Golden Corral restaurant. They grilled me up a delicious steak there. Little Kat mad an evil creation for dessert. I got clam chowder by mistake (the labels were not clear). Our bus boy worked extra hard for a big tip.

Since we needed to check out early the next morning, I had Mamma Kat set the alarm. She needed to get up in the middle of the night, and in the early morning. Around 4:15am I heard a faint sound. It was the alarm. But it was so quiet that Mamma Kat slept through it.

I woke up Mamma Kat. She took care of some business, then went back to bed. I was worried we would oversleep. So I decided to stay up. It was hard. At 8:00am the whole family got up. I kept falling asleep on the way home. We saw what looked to be a dangerous truck on the road. It was hauling old tires. But they were piled high to the sky. We made it home in good time. Our vacation is just about over.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Muskets and Ghosts

During our vacation, the family decided to do some shopping. I think Little Kat led us into a two story toy store. There were some colonial era rifles for sale. They were the musket and the long rifle.

I asked a clerk for some help. She gave Little Kat a long rifle. It seemed way too big for him. But the musket looked good in his hands. Mamma Kat bought it for him. Little Kat talked me into buying a long rifle for myself.

Little Kat and myself walked around the rest of vacation with our guns. We called ourselves Big Cat and Little Kat. I want to name my rifle the Enforcer. Little Kat is still searching for a name for his. However it might be named the Broken One. He used his gun as a crutch. Then he slammed the butt of the gun down on the ground a lot. Mamma Kat said he rolled around with a lot. Now it has a big split in the handle.

On a different note, Kit Kat talked me into attending a Ghost story walk around the town at night. I was a bit concerned about the ad saying that friendly ghosts would tap you on the shoulder. Kit Kat and I picked up the tickets at the General Store. I made her hold my hand as we went through the scary parts of the tour. It must not have been too bad as Little Kat came along as well. Once while our storyteller was talking about a building's history, a man walked out of it. I told Kit Kat that I was keeping my eye on him. Luckily I did not tackle this man. I later found out he was the president of the local college.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Vacation Begins

This week is Spring Break from school. This is for the kids, as well as my college class. So I planned to take the week off from school. Our family decided to go on vacation.

We headed South to visit some of colonial America. Check in time was 4:00 PM. We got to our destination early. As we were hungry, we stopped by Sonic. They do not have these drive throughs where we live. So we love it.

Sonic was a bit chilly. There was a high wind outside. But we braved it and quickly ate our food. At checkin the guy thought we reserved two units. I told him we only needed one. Our key did not seem to work in our door. That's when we realized we were in the wrong building. Ooops.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Poke in the Night

I was fast asleep when I felt a little poke at my feet. Lil Kat had crawled into bed with me to let me know he did not feel well. He had been a little sick and he did not know what to do. I was pretty out of it and I was trying to figure out why he was bothering me. I finally woke up enough to understand that he needed my help. I told him what to do and then I checked on him a few minutes later. He seemed to be better. I do not think he is sick just a case of eating a crazy combination of dishes. I will keep an eye on him.

Mamma Kat Sick

Normally Mamma Kat gets us breakfast on the weekends. However she is sick. Then we found out that we had run out of medicine this morning. So I made the trek out to Walmart to pick up some essentials.

Kit Kat's friend visited us today. She is staying the night. When she arrived, I found out what she likes to eat. Then Little Kat and I went out to pick up some Chinese food for lunch. It was delicious.

My bro cat came over this afternoon like he does every Saturday to watch movies with me. We had a full house here. It is late now. Kit Kat and her friend are doing a movie marathon in the basement. I hope Little Kat is in bed.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Long Bike Ride

This weekend we went camping with the Boy Scouts. This month Little Kat graduates to become a boy scout. The scouts said they are biking next month and wanted Little Kat to come. Knowing that the scouts just did a 10 mile walk up the side of a mountain, we asked how far they planned to bike. They replied about 30 miles or so. Given their usual underestimation, that probably means they are going for a 50 mile super bike marathon.

I told Little Kat we needed to train so that he could keep up with this active boy scout troop. Our first practice run was to ride out bikes to the closest public school and back. The total round trip distance was 2.5 miles. It was a rough ride because of the many hills in between. Kit Kat got lucky and escaped with Mamma Kat to the store in our new car. So it was just Little Kat and me.

It started out tough with a steep up hill climb. We got a breather as we went down a large hill. That was followed by a very long hill that took the wind out of you. Little Kat ran out of gas two times during that ride. When we got the school, we took quite a break. It was an even harder ride home. You just don't have to have the energy to climb the hills. You have to watch out for oncoming traffic on the roads that have no sidewalks.

Next weekend, Little Kat and I are going to try the bike run to the school one more time. Little Kat insists that Kit Kat be made to endure the pain with us. Now we only need to get Mamma Kat to buy a bike. Then we will be the family that bikes together.