Saturday, April 25, 2009

Birthday Celebration

My boss is out of town. In fact, he is out of the country. So I am doing my job and his. Therefore I had to get in early today. The only good thing about getting in early was that I could get a lot done. In the mid day, a lot of people visit and call me for help. So progress is slow.

Since I got such a good head start on the day, I was able to leave a little early. I got home and it was still bright. Whenever this happens, I go out to work in the yard. After a while, Little Kat came out and helped me. Even Mamma Kat came out for some support.

Kit Kat would have helped. But she was getting the house ready for her friends. Two of them are spending the night. Tomorrow we all go camping together. After dinner, Kit Kat and I opened a bunch of gifts we received. I got a number of books, shirts, videos, and other creative gifts. I'm not going to say how old I am. But I am no spring chicken any more.

1 comment:

Momoko said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!