Thursday, April 9, 2009

Muskets and Ghosts

During our vacation, the family decided to do some shopping. I think Little Kat led us into a two story toy store. There were some colonial era rifles for sale. They were the musket and the long rifle.

I asked a clerk for some help. She gave Little Kat a long rifle. It seemed way too big for him. But the musket looked good in his hands. Mamma Kat bought it for him. Little Kat talked me into buying a long rifle for myself.

Little Kat and myself walked around the rest of vacation with our guns. We called ourselves Big Cat and Little Kat. I want to name my rifle the Enforcer. Little Kat is still searching for a name for his. However it might be named the Broken One. He used his gun as a crutch. Then he slammed the butt of the gun down on the ground a lot. Mamma Kat said he rolled around with a lot. Now it has a big split in the handle.

On a different note, Kit Kat talked me into attending a Ghost story walk around the town at night. I was a bit concerned about the ad saying that friendly ghosts would tap you on the shoulder. Kit Kat and I picked up the tickets at the General Store. I made her hold my hand as we went through the scary parts of the tour. It must not have been too bad as Little Kat came along as well. Once while our storyteller was talking about a building's history, a man walked out of it. I told Kit Kat that I was keeping my eye on him. Luckily I did not tackle this man. I later found out he was the president of the local college.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

You have some good stories to tell about your vacation, sounds like you had fun!
Boooo you later and have a ghosty good time.