Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Well, it's Halloween but the kittens have found other kittens to play with tonight. That means we are kittenless tonight and Black and I home alone. Of course, Black said he just wants to take a cat nap while I man the door with candy for the Trick- or- Treaters. I am not sure I like this plan but someone has to get rid of last year's candy or do I? Have a great night everyone!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

King Cobras

Mamma Kat asked me to take Little Kat to a meeting with his friends. There was going to be a prize for the first 10 cats that arrived. Luckily Little Kat was cat number 7 that arrived. He won a blue little Nerf football.

Little Kat joined a smaller group of cats. His group had to come up with a cheer for the group. Little Kat and another cat thought they should be called The King Cobras. I thought this was strange. Cobras are part of the snake family, not the feline family. The cats put it to a vote. King Cobras won.

Little Kat's team needed to come up with a slogan. The first part was easy. "Who are we? King Cobras!". Little Kat thought everybody should then say, "We bite you." The older cats recommended a more positive message. So the group decided to say, "What sound do we make? Hissssss."

I looked around the gathering when I had some free time. There were a lot of mother cats there. I spotted a father kat that was on crutches. Mamma Kat was supposed to meet at the meeting. We never saw her. The meeting place was extra warm. It smelled like fish. This should be a good thing for us cats. The meeting ended with a crazy dance by all the kiddie cats.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Getting Rocks

Our back yard slopes down to a creek at the bottom of the hill. This is nice because all the water runs down to the creek and not into our house. However we do have a problem. The water seems to be washing away our hill.

It is getting so no cats can walk along the back side of our house. The water has washed away the ground. So all that is left is a steep slope. Time for Black Cat to come to the rescue. My plan is to build up a retaining wall to hold up our dirt and form a level path.

So far I have dug four holes, and secured four posts into the ground. I have also nailed up long plywood to form our wall. If I were a slacker cat, I would just pile up the dirt now to form our path. But if the water got stuck in all that dirt, we would have a landslide. Dirt with water is heavy. I need to build up some drainage. So today I bought a couple drainage pipes, and a bunch of crushed rock.

At first I thought I would need the store to fill my truck with the rocks. However I found out from my bro cat that they sold crushed rock in small bags. That was perfect. All this cat and his truck could carry was 10 bags today. That should make for a good start. Tomorrow I might return and buy another 10 to 12 bags of rocks. I will take some pictures when I make more progress on my work.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting Reading for Halloween

Well, it seems like the kittens are ready for Halloween. They both have their costumes picked out and ready to go. Kit is going to be a Midnight Fairy and Little is going to be a Clone Trooper this year. I wonder what Black and I are going to wear. Time is running out!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nobody Home

I worked hard today. When I came home, I found Little Kat home all alone. I also found an advertisement for Chinese food in the door. There were no groceries at home. So I decided Little Kat and me should order some Chinese food takeout.

The ad had the phone numbers for the Chinese food restaurant. I called the first number. It was busy. I tried the second number. It was busy too. I could not get in touch with them. Maybe everybody got an ad from them and was calling them up.

Little Kat and I decided to drive to another Chinese food restaurant. On the way to the Chinese food place, we spied Ruby Tuesdays. That is another restaurant known for its yummy salad bar. It was settled. Little Kat and I were going to eat at Ruby Tuesdays.

Little Kat was happy when we say down. We had a small booth that had a chair he thought was just the right size. We looked through the large menu. Both of us knew we were going to add the salad bar to our dinner. Little Kat ordered a Buffalo Chicken Burger meal. This was a chicken sandwich with Buffalo hot sauce on it. I decided to have the same. It came with piping hot thin french fries.

After we placed out order, Little Kat and I ran up to the salad bar. Ruby Tuesdays has fancy square plates. We loaded up some iceberg lettuce. I spied Little Kat going for some chick peas and lima bean. I preferred the green peppers and cucumbers. Both of us opted to eat the darn brown chewy croutons that Ruby Tuesdays offered. Dinner was excellent.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Brush Clearing

Now that I got the guys to find out exactly where my yard property lines are, I am read to clear a way for the fence. The area behind our house is a wooded forest. Now I am not ready to cut down any huge trees. But I figure I can chop down any small brush that I encounter.

I do want to exercise some caution. You never know what kind of critters are hanging out in the forest. It could be some deer, or a fox, and more likely snakes. But hey. It might even be some evil dog. I might have to go out there prepared to encounter any kind of predator.

Ok. Now its time to start chopping. Ooops. It is already dark. I do not trust the wild forest when the sun is not shining. I guess I have to save this task for another day. Long live our fence.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Fence Guys

Our house has a fence surrounding the back yard. At least part of the back is fenced. But we have many different fences on the different sides. One of them is falling apart. The other got broken by a falling tree. The last one is made of chain link and does not look good.

So I got the fence guy to come out. Actually I had two of them come out. Both of them said a new fence would cost a lot of $$$. They also said they could not find out where the edge of our yard was. For that I would need to hire a surveyor.

I called up one of the surveyors to find out where our yard actually ends and the neighbor's begins. Two cats came out in a pick up truck. They came with some shovels. They found the end points of the property. Then they drove stakes in the ground to mark them. They tied some red flags to the stakes so you can see them from far away. Great. Now I can see we have a huge yard. This is going to take a lot of catnip to pay the fence man.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Soup and Ginger Ale

Today we I got up I noticed that Kit was still in bed. I thought the silly kat had overslept because yesterday was a day off from school and she had stayed up rather late. I could hear her moaning from beneath the covers and she said she was sick. I could tell right away from the way she looked that she was not feeling good so I had Little Kat bring her a ginger ale to help settle her stomach. I hope she feels better. We will get her some soup later when she is feeling a little stronger because that always seems to do the trick.


hey go to Little Kat's blog now


I need a new project at work. So I talked with my manager Sharri. She had Eric send me an email. His email said to contact Miki. I sent an email to Miki. An automatic reply came back saying I should contact Andrea. An email to Andrea went unanswered. I emailed Eric back, asking for some help. He did not reply either.

Ok. So I waited a while. Then I called Eric and left him a phone message. I also emailed him again. He gave me Miki’s phone number. I called her up. Her voice mail told me to call Carmen. I did. Carmen told me I needed to speak with Andrea. I asked her for Andrea’s phone number. Carmen tried to look it up. But she said Andrea’s phone number was not listed.

I told Carmen I really needed to speak with Andrea. Carmen told me to hold on. She went and tracked down Andrea. And then I got her phone number. Finally I got in touch with Andrea. She told me to give her some information, and she would try to get me a project. We had some more communication. Right now I am waiting to hear back. If I don’t, you know I’m going to be calling Andrea soon.

The moral of this story is to never give up. At many points I could have given up and failed. But that would have only hurt me. I had to keep pressing on. Maybe sometimes people get busy and forget about you. That’s why you have to keep on top of the communications. Finally, I must mentioned that some of the above names may have been changed to protect the innocents cats in my company. Or maybe not.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cat Names

I have been trying to get Little Kat to start blogging but he is nervous because he is still learning how to spell. I told him it does not really matter if everything is spelled correctly on a blog but it is important to get your thoughts and ideas down. He did say he gets a little confused because he always calls me "mama" so I decided to change my name to "Mama". I guess you can call me "Mama" too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nobody Listening

I got word from my team leader that the big boss wanted to have a conference call. All the cats on my team were to call in to the same phone number. That way we could all hear what the big boss had to say. This way supposed to be an important discussion. We were to find out what our next assignments on the team were.

The time came for the meeting. I dialed in. The conference had not started. I stayed on hold. I waited and waited. After a while I thought something was wrong. I called my team leader with my cell phone. He said he thought we were supposed to call in. I called the big boss directly. No answer. I left him a voice message saying we were waiting for him on the conference line.

In the end, the system automatically disconnected me from the conference call. The call never started. Oh well. That was probably going to be a long discussion anyway. With the extra free time, I decided to browse the web. Go me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rock Star Cat

Black Cat here. Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been busy with work. Went out of town for a couple days. Had to do some training with my company. The good news is that they gave me a hotel.

Well the hotel was ok. It was close to the place I went to train. The bed was too soft. They had a big screen TV. I watched some Family Guy episodes late at night.

In other news, I got my company to buy me some business cards. At first they did not want to let me have the title of "Rock Star" on my cards. I had to talk them into it. Finally they agreed. I just got the cards in the mail today. Do you want one?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Kat!!!

Today Little Kat celebrated his birthday. His day started with the traditional singing of "Happy Birthday" and then he wanted to open his presents first thing this morning. After school, we picked up his best friend and they played until dinner time. We all went to dinner and the day ended with a lot more playing. I guess cleaning up will happen tomorrow.