Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Mulch Project

The garden in front of our house sometimes has a lot of weeds growing in it. I decided to put down plywood underneath the mulch. So I bought a lot of mulch. I started with the area directly in front of the front door. That took a while. I was worried that the plywood was too bouncy when I stepped on top of it. Eventually it fit down in place.

 I had been putting off dealing with a section of the garden in the front but down by the neighbor. There were a top of weeds and grass growing in the garden. Recently I was ahead of schedule on yard work. So I tacked this project. There were some plants and bushes in that part of the garden. Therefore I measured where each of the greenery was. Then I cut a plywood to fit snugly.

When I put the mulch on top, it looked great. Then I had a couple extra bags of black mulch. I sprinkled the mulch over the whole garden to give it a newly mulched look. Things are looking up. The best part is I no longer have a pile of mulch bags on my back porch getting in the way. Win.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moving Back Into Study

Momoko's niece came out to visit us this summer. she stayed a total of two weeks. I let her sleep in my study upstairs. It had more room than Momoko's study. I did have to move out and relocate to our library. Well Momoko's niece flew home. So it was time to move everything back into my study.

First Momoko, Kit Kat, and Little Kat put away our guest bed. It is kept in plastic in our laundry room. Momoko also washed the sheets from that bed. Kit Kat took back her portable fan she lent her cousin. And Momoko took back her folding table that served as a night stand.

The weekend I prepared my furniture in the library for moving. Little Kat thought my small desks were one man jobs. My brother took both of them. But he bumped into the walls carrying them all the way up. Not good. We moved everything in a smart manner so it was easy to get everything where it belonged in a single carry.

Today I finalized everything by setting up my home computer on the small desks. I also set up my work computers on my big desk. Things feel like they are falling back into place. It is just in time for my fall semester class at college.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Clothes Shopping for Niece

Momoko's niece is visiting us for two weeks this summer. She is running low on pants that she owns. And she just ripped her only good pair. Kit Kat provided a stop gap by giving her some pants. However she needed some work pants for when she goes back home.

Momoko and I took her niece to Target today after I got off from work. We got to the store okay. Inside I saw signs for women' wear. However the whole clothing portion of the store was enclosed in a huge plastic wrap. I asked an employee. He said they sold clothes. But we would have to come back in a few weeks.

So Momoko decided to drive down the street to Target. Her niece tried on some men's pants, since they usually come with good pockets. None of them fit. I had her take in one style of pants with assorted sizes. She found a good fit for her waist. But the thighs were still no good. Momoko decided to look in the plus women's section. She found a few pairs of pants.

Momoko's niece tried on the women's clothing. She found one pair that fit. We bought two more pairs of the exact same pants. Tried them on to be sure. Then we headed to the shoes section. We were looking for black work shoes. There were many empty boxes and lackluster inventory. After giving up, we looked for some Crocs. They were too expensive. Luckily the pants were 25% off at the register. We will need to go to a shoe store in a few days.