Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Student Loans for Little Kat

Little Kat finished his spring semester at community college. He signed up for summer and fall classes. Now he needed to figure out how to pay for college. Previously he took out some personal loans. The problem with them is that he has to immediately start making payments on the loan. That is not fun as he is still in school.

So Little Kat inquired with the college how he could get some loans that you don't have to start paying until you graduate. He found a bank that would lend him money under such an agreement. The only problem is that the bank said that Momoko's credit was tapped out. She could not co-sign for him.

This is where I enter the picture. Little Kat has a plan. He wants to get into a lucrative program at community college. If he does, he can get a certificate in 2 years and get a good job directly after that. I had to co-sign his loan so he could move forward with this plan. The loan is just for the summer and fall of this year. There will be further loans in the future.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dishwasher out of Service

Little Kat ran the dishes this afternoon. Momoko saw the lights on the dishwasher this evening. Apparently the dishes were not run. Little Kat pressed the start button. The dishwasher lit up but did not do its job. Neither Momoko nor Little Kat can get the thing running.

I am going to call the manufacturer to get an authorized repair guy to look at the dishwasher. Momoko and I are going shopping for a new dishwasher tomorrow as well. Momoko is worried about washing dishes by hand. So Kit Kat has replaced the dishes and glasses in our cupboards with paper and plastic ones.

We are cancelling the cooking of dinners for the time being. It is going to be fend for yourself. Little Kat said he is broke. So Momoko will subsidize the funds for his dinners. Hopefully we can get the dishwasher running again soon. For now, ingredients for dinners planned this week are being frozen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Doordash is a Rip

Momoko and I were busy for work. So Momoko had Kit Kat order us some Arby's. She used DoorDash for the delivery. Normally Momoko and I drive to Arby's and walk in. We often use coupons. We get a ton for food for under $20 total.

With Kit Kat eating too, I figured the bill would cost around $30. She has a subscription to DoorDash that I thought would eliminate extra feeds. Nope. Turns out that only removes the DoorDash fee. There is still a service fee and a tip involved. Our total turned out to be $51+.

The moral of the story is that delivery is expensive, even if you subscribe and pay a monthly fee to DoorDash. Now I know these kids should not be having food delivered to them. They just don't make the money needed to truly afford this type of living.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Full Recycle Bin

Momoko is teleworking now due to COVID-19 restrictions. She used to sit on her chaise and use a folding table. The table broke. And the chaise is bad for her back. Therefore she ordered some furniture. She got a smaller desk to fit in her study. She also got a chair with no arms to slide under the desk. Plus she got some accessories to put on top of the desk.

All this new furniture has resulted in a lot of cardboard to get rid of. Momoko is slacking. She just folds up the cardboard and puts it in the county recycle bin. The problem is that we generate a lot of other recyclable materials each week. Our bin is overflowing.

I got a new furnace filter. It can in a big box. I had to get to work. I tore up all the big boxes that Momoko tried to stuff in the bin. Kept each piece to 9x12 inches or so. When chopped up, all the cardboard fit fine in the recycle bin. Not sure if that will help them recycle the material. I know it will help us put all of our material in there before they haul it away.