Saturday, May 9, 2020

Full Recycle Bin

Momoko is teleworking now due to COVID-19 restrictions. She used to sit on her chaise and use a folding table. The table broke. And the chaise is bad for her back. Therefore she ordered some furniture. She got a smaller desk to fit in her study. She also got a chair with no arms to slide under the desk. Plus she got some accessories to put on top of the desk.

All this new furniture has resulted in a lot of cardboard to get rid of. Momoko is slacking. She just folds up the cardboard and puts it in the county recycle bin. The problem is that we generate a lot of other recyclable materials each week. Our bin is overflowing.

I got a new furnace filter. It can in a big box. I had to get to work. I tore up all the big boxes that Momoko tried to stuff in the bin. Kept each piece to 9x12 inches or so. When chopped up, all the cardboard fit fine in the recycle bin. Not sure if that will help them recycle the material. I know it will help us put all of our material in there before they haul it away.

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