Monday, December 18, 2023

COVID Strikes Again

I heard my phone buzzing before I woke up. Thought it might be work related. Instead I got an image from Momoko. It was some type of COVID test. Not sure what that was about. I went back to sleep. Later I got another text from Momoko. I think she wanted to inquire about breakfast. What?

Eventually I woke up and found that Momoko tested positive for COVID. She went to work but came back home real quick. I told her I could pick us up some McDonald's. When I went outside, I saw a lot of branches on the ground. I picked them up and added them to the yard clippings bundles on the curb.

I went to Momoko's McDonald's. They have two parallel lanes which I don't like. There was only one dude in one of the lanes. The employees could not understand that Momoko wanted a Big Breakfast with a English muffin instead of a biscuit. They eventually got it right.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Asian Food Mart Run

Momoko came home from work. She needed somebody to take her to the Asian food mart. We decided to go after dinner. Little Kat cooked dinner 1 hour early. So we had a good start. Due to daylight savings, it was dark when we left.

There was a lot of traffic on the highways. I also hit a pot hole while driving fast. The Asian mart was not crowded. They did not have my favorite cookies for the second week in a row. In the parking lot, Momoko put in a mobile order for Sonic drinks. Once the order was placed, I was free to drive to Sonic.

We had to bring a drink to Kit Kat. Momoko told me to take the back way there because it was faster. I drove through residential neighborhoods with school zones and speed bumps galore. We made it to Kit Kat's place. We had trouble opening her building door lock with out key. I saw Kit Kat's Xmas tree and gerbil, then we came home.