Monday, May 23, 2022

Communications Course Disaster

Little Kat took a communications course at college this semester. Momoko and I helped him with writing his speeches. They each needed a lot of revisions to get acceptable. They turned out okay. This class required a group project. This was Little Kat's downfall.

Apparently Little Kat's group froze him out of the group at first. Then bad grades were given to the group. Little Kat made it sound like he provided evidence of this to the teacher. What he failed to mention was the the teacher responded to him, and Little Kat effectively did nothing.

We almost were going to fight the teacher on the group project grades in this class. Momoko and I did our due diligence. We eventually found the information from the teacher. Little Kat had some excuses as to why he did not see the emails. We only found out about them late. Little Kat had to take the hit in his grade.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Attack on Titan

It has been a long time since Momoko and I first watched an episode of the anime series Attack on Titan. I think we might have only watched the first episode of season 1. The main character's mom's legs were broken as a house fell down on her. Then a titan ate her. Our initial reaction was no thank you.

One of the Tiktok content creators that I follow has been an Attack on Titan super fan. She cosplays assorted characters from the anime series. She seems genuinely excited about the series, especially the later seasons, the most recent of which came out last year.

I saw the series on my brother's Hulu account. So Momoko and I gave the thing another try. Momoko was bored during episode 1. But the series picked up in subsequent episodes. We binge watched around 15 episodes this weekend. We are still chugging along in season 1.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Car Purchase Failure

Kit Kat, her boyfriend, and I took up trip up North on a lead for a new 2022 Hyundai Accent. My car was in the shop. So I drove Little Kat's car. Halfway to the dealership, we shopped at Dunkin Doughnuts for breakfast. It seemed like the dining room was closed. They set it up for us and we dined in.

When we got to the dealership, we found it small. The wind kept banging on the large windows behind the sales guy's desk. We were dismayed to find they did not have the car. It was scheduled to arrive sometime this month.

The sales guy tried to get Kit Kat to put a $500 deposit on a car that would arrive in the future. I reviewed the numbers. The top line was much higher than MSRP. I pressed them on this discrepancy. They confessed that there was about $1400 of markup built into that price. It was for add ons.

I said that since they have not taken delivery, they could skip any add-ons and remove that garbage fee. They said they would not do that. They tried to argue that CarMax sells used cars for more than them. Kit Kat got them to agree to a special low financing, and argued with them about a new college graduate discount.

Even with assorted incentives, they were still $500 over MSRP. I told the sales guy we needed to talk privately amongst ourselves. We went out to Little Kat's car. The sales guy came to the car and said there was another customer on the phone wanted to put a deposit on the car. I told him we still needed time to talk.

The salesman returned to our car again and said the manager needed to know immediately whether we would put a deposit on the car. I told him I would answer for Kit Kat. And the answer was no. We were not even sure if they were getting the trim we wanted. Too much shifty stuff going on. When pressed, the sales guy told us the deposit was non-refundable. Fail.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Calculus Troubles

Little Kat got a 73% on his Calculus quiz. I asked him some questions about the material. He did not have very good answers. So I worked with him on Chapter 3 that he needed to go through. Little Kat would read the sections and try to answer the questions. Then I would make sure he understand everything.

Little Kat had a midterm exam. He did fine on the Chapter 3 material. But he bombed all the Chapter 1 and 2 questions, resulting in a failing grade. I also noticed that Little Kat was taking a long time going through the reading in the current Chapter 4. He also had trouble doing the homework.

The deadline for the first couple sections of Chapter 4 came up. Little Kat was not going to be able to complete his homework on time. We had to get together and read through the sections, trying to understand the sometimes confusing textbook. On the last day before his assignment was due, he had to spend all day working. I was on call just in case he could not finish an assignment.

Now we are preparing to get back on track. Some other classes had a lot of work due at the beginning of the week. This is putting us behind again on math. We will need to catch up and try to get ahead before the next homework deadline and quiz. So our current plan is to do math together whenever Little Kat has the time.