Monday, May 2, 2022

Calculus Troubles

Little Kat got a 73% on his Calculus quiz. I asked him some questions about the material. He did not have very good answers. So I worked with him on Chapter 3 that he needed to go through. Little Kat would read the sections and try to answer the questions. Then I would make sure he understand everything.

Little Kat had a midterm exam. He did fine on the Chapter 3 material. But he bombed all the Chapter 1 and 2 questions, resulting in a failing grade. I also noticed that Little Kat was taking a long time going through the reading in the current Chapter 4. He also had trouble doing the homework.

The deadline for the first couple sections of Chapter 4 came up. Little Kat was not going to be able to complete his homework on time. We had to get together and read through the sections, trying to understand the sometimes confusing textbook. On the last day before his assignment was due, he had to spend all day working. I was on call just in case he could not finish an assignment.

Now we are preparing to get back on track. Some other classes had a lot of work due at the beginning of the week. This is putting us behind again on math. We will need to catch up and try to get ahead before the next homework deadline and quiz. So our current plan is to do math together whenever Little Kat has the time.

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