Saturday, April 23, 2022

Weed Prevention

There is a rectangle outside our front door that I cover in mulch. However it has been overtaken by weeds. Previously I had put down multiple layers of black cloth to prevent the weeds from growing. This seemed to have no effect. The weeds grew right through. It was time for some more serious blockage.

I pulled up the black cloth. Many weeds and grass were growing thick in it. I decided to repurpose this black strip to lay over the trench that formed behind my back fence on my property. Water runs down a path, and the ground gets washed away. I previously tried to fill the trench with gravel. The gravel all washed away.

This time I put down the used black cloth with weeds growing in it. Underneath the cloth I put some more gravel, and covered the gravel with soil. Then I used metal spikes to tie down the cloth so it would not wash away.

Back in the front, I put down long pieces of plywood. Then I covered that with some leftover vapor barrier from Little Kat's new vinyl floor install. I mainly chose it because it was black and would mask the color of the plywood. I put some mulch on top of the wood and barrier. The wood is a bit warped. I hope the weight and water will put it down straight.

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