Thursday, October 30, 2008

King Cobras

Mamma Kat asked me to take Little Kat to a meeting with his friends. There was going to be a prize for the first 10 cats that arrived. Luckily Little Kat was cat number 7 that arrived. He won a blue little Nerf football.

Little Kat joined a smaller group of cats. His group had to come up with a cheer for the group. Little Kat and another cat thought they should be called The King Cobras. I thought this was strange. Cobras are part of the snake family, not the feline family. The cats put it to a vote. King Cobras won.

Little Kat's team needed to come up with a slogan. The first part was easy. "Who are we? King Cobras!". Little Kat thought everybody should then say, "We bite you." The older cats recommended a more positive message. So the group decided to say, "What sound do we make? Hissssss."

I looked around the gathering when I had some free time. There were a lot of mother cats there. I spotted a father kat that was on crutches. Mamma Kat was supposed to meet at the meeting. We never saw her. The meeting place was extra warm. It smelled like fish. This should be a good thing for us cats. The meeting ended with a crazy dance by all the kiddie cats.

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