Friday, October 10, 2008


I need a new project at work. So I talked with my manager Sharri. She had Eric send me an email. His email said to contact Miki. I sent an email to Miki. An automatic reply came back saying I should contact Andrea. An email to Andrea went unanswered. I emailed Eric back, asking for some help. He did not reply either.

Ok. So I waited a while. Then I called Eric and left him a phone message. I also emailed him again. He gave me Miki’s phone number. I called her up. Her voice mail told me to call Carmen. I did. Carmen told me I needed to speak with Andrea. I asked her for Andrea’s phone number. Carmen tried to look it up. But she said Andrea’s phone number was not listed.

I told Carmen I really needed to speak with Andrea. Carmen told me to hold on. She went and tracked down Andrea. And then I got her phone number. Finally I got in touch with Andrea. She told me to give her some information, and she would try to get me a project. We had some more communication. Right now I am waiting to hear back. If I don’t, you know I’m going to be calling Andrea soon.

The moral of this story is to never give up. At many points I could have given up and failed. But that would have only hurt me. I had to keep pressing on. Maybe sometimes people get busy and forget about you. That’s why you have to keep on top of the communications. Finally, I must mentioned that some of the above names may have been changed to protect the innocents cats in my company. Or maybe not.

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