Monday, October 20, 2008

Brush Clearing

Now that I got the guys to find out exactly where my yard property lines are, I am read to clear a way for the fence. The area behind our house is a wooded forest. Now I am not ready to cut down any huge trees. But I figure I can chop down any small brush that I encounter.

I do want to exercise some caution. You never know what kind of critters are hanging out in the forest. It could be some deer, or a fox, and more likely snakes. But hey. It might even be some evil dog. I might have to go out there prepared to encounter any kind of predator.

Ok. Now its time to start chopping. Ooops. It is already dark. I do not trust the wild forest when the sun is not shining. I guess I have to save this task for another day. Long live our fence.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I sure hope you will be able to save some catnip for the winter and not use it all up now.

gannie kat