Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nobody Listening

I got word from my team leader that the big boss wanted to have a conference call. All the cats on my team were to call in to the same phone number. That way we could all hear what the big boss had to say. This way supposed to be an important discussion. We were to find out what our next assignments on the team were.

The time came for the meeting. I dialed in. The conference had not started. I stayed on hold. I waited and waited. After a while I thought something was wrong. I called my team leader with my cell phone. He said he thought we were supposed to call in. I called the big boss directly. No answer. I left him a voice message saying we were waiting for him on the conference line.

In the end, the system automatically disconnected me from the conference call. The call never started. Oh well. That was probably going to be a long discussion anyway. With the extra free time, I decided to browse the web. Go me.

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