Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mamma Kat Sick

Normally Mamma Kat gets us breakfast on the weekends. However she is sick. Then we found out that we had run out of medicine this morning. So I made the trek out to Walmart to pick up some essentials.

Kit Kat's friend visited us today. She is staying the night. When she arrived, I found out what she likes to eat. Then Little Kat and I went out to pick up some Chinese food for lunch. It was delicious.

My bro cat came over this afternoon like he does every Saturday to watch movies with me. We had a full house here. It is late now. Kit Kat and her friend are doing a movie marathon in the basement. I hope Little Kat is in bed.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Poor Mamma Kat she needs some homemade chicken soup!