Friday, February 16, 2024

Moving on up to the GMC Terrain

My current car is a bare bones Chevy Spark. No power windows. No power locks. The back seat has little head room. I really want power locks, because when I drive people, I have to hound them to manually lock the doors. I also drive with my brother in the back seat of my car. He is tall. So he does not fit in the back seat.

I am on a trip to visit Momoko's dad. For grins I looked up used cars in the area. The prices were too damn high. I stumbled upon a great deal on the GMC Terrain. One dealership was offering $7k off a bottom of the line model for the Terrain. I was interested, even if it was far away from home.

So I called up the dealership. Spoke to a customer care rep. She had a sales guy call me back. Turns out they would sell the car at a $7k discount from MSRP. But they wanted to charge an extra $1500 for some resistant protection. No thank you. The sales guy countered on a return phone call. Instead, he would just charge me a $300 out of state fee. Still not great. But I went to the dealership.

The car drove fine. The sales guy asked if he could waive the $300 fee, did we have a deal? Heck yeah. I needed to pay cash if I did not want to have to pay the taxes and registration directly to the dealership. I called my bank. They wanted me to come in person to write funds. The nearest office is 2.5 hours away. I decided to visit the bank the next day.

The finance guy asked me why I was not just getting a certified check. I told him the sales guy said they don't take out of state checks. He checked with his boss. He had me call the bank and verify I had the funds to buy the car in cash. We agreed I could bring a certified check and take away the car. Momoko's brother-in-law said he would come with me on the 2.5 hours trip to my bank. That works find because I need somebody to drove me off at the dealership afterwards to pick up my new car.

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