Thursday, January 23, 2025

Low Tire Pressure in the Cold

I got a report from OnStars that my tires were inflated at around 27 PSI. That is low as the recommended pressure is 35 PSI. Then my car started complaining about the rear passenger tire. It was down to 26 PSI. I tried to use my portable air compressor. It was going haywire when I tried to fill up my tire.

Tried to warm up the compressor by bringing it indoors for a few hours. The thing was still broke. I uses Momoko's air compressor. It filled up the rear tire. But the plastic part that unclamps the hose from my tire snapped up. I was able to get the hose off my tire. But the compressor was now unusable.

Momoko purchased another air compressor. This time she chose a new brand. I was able to fill up my 3 other car tires with it. I then ordered myself one of these from Amazon.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Buying Bleach from Amazon

I was running low on bleach I use to keep the basement drain flowing. So I ordered a six pack from Amazon. I just chose the low price third party seller. After a while, the seller declared the item delivered. I waited two days. Still no bleach. I called up Amazon. They said they needed to give the seller two days to respond.

Amazon did give me a $10 credit for my trouble. I just had to order items sold by Amazon. I had a certification book on my list for a while. It costs $9.99. So I got the book for free.

The bleach did arrive after the complaint. Inside the box were three heavy duty plastic bags with two bleach bottles each. The bleach was leaking in the plastic bags. What a crock. I had to do a hazmat clean up.

Moral of the story is to only order from third party sellers with good ratings. The seller I chose had like a 50% approval rating. Terrible. I blasted them with a review having the lowest score.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rock Salt Restock

Momoko checked the rock salt in our carport shed. It had just about been depleted. She got help from my brother to move bags of it from our back yard big shed to the easily accessible carport shed. She only mentioned this to me in passing.

I asked her how many bags were left in the big shed. We need to keep stocked up. She thought there were five. I had her double check. There were only two. When it snows heavy like it did a week ago, all the rock salt in the region sells out.

While driving past a hardware store, we saw a sign that they had restocked winter supplies. I doubted  they had any rock salt available. If anything, they would have one or two overpriced small bags of ice melt. I checked online. Our local Lowes was sold out of everything - rock salt, ice melt, etc.

I decided to check around online. A store a couple cities north of us said they had everything. I also doubted it. But I swung by. There was nothing in front of the store. There was a box of overpriced ice melt in a front aisle. Another guy and I quizzed a store employee. He told us a couple places where rock salt might be.

I grabbed a heavy duty dolly. The other guy went to the outdoor area. I went to aisle 28. Bingo. There were two sections of rock salt. I asked the employee if there was a limit to how much I could buy. He had no clue. I decided to load up 10 bags at under $12 each. The checkout girl did not care how much I had.

Put four bags in the carport shed (it had already been drained down to half a bag in there). Moved my brother's SUV out of the way. Then I backed my SUV into the corner of our driveway. I carried six bags of 50 pound rock salt into our big shed. It was tricky as the snow was high and the ramp up the shed had packed slippery snow on it.

Momoko said the true snow-mageddon is coming this upcoming weekend. Could be as much as 14 inches at a time. Multiple snowfalls are expected. At least we are prepared in the rock salr department,

Monday, January 6, 2025

Let It Snow

Momoko had a whopping two weeks of Christmas and New Year's vacation. But she felt like it was not enough. Especially because I had those two weeks, and got another week for training. Momoko wished it would snow and give her a few more days off.

Ask and you shall receive. Snowmageddon came. Her school closed Monday. Decision was made Sunday afternoon. My brother parked his 4-wheel drive SUV at the end of the driveway so he would not have to shovel his way out on the way to work.

Little Kat and I parked our cars on the old broke part of our driveway that is hard to shovel snow off of. Our plans was to dig out Little Kat's car and my car when the snowfall stopped. We dug out in front of Little Kat's car. He drifted to the street where he cleaned off his car. I cleared my brother's space so Little Kat could part in it.

Our plan was to then dig out my car, roll it to the street, and clean it off. We were too tired from the earlier shoveling. It is still snowing. We plan to regroup when my brother comes home and dig out my car. It is scheduled to snow again this afternoon and tonight. We may have to repeat this tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Sagging Couch Repair

Momoko complained about our living room couch. We were going to go shopping to find a replacement. I recalled the last time we bought one. It was rough taking out the old couch and bringing in the new one. So I asked Momoko what the specific issue was. She said the seat area was too low. She was sinking in.

We took off the gerbil couch cover. Then we removed the seat cushions. The seat area had minimal support. I cut a 2x4 piece of lumber. Tried to brace it across the couch for support. Had a rough time getting in in past the arm rests.

After that, we had a single 2x4 lumber diagonally on the seat area. I got smaller length 2x4 lumber to brace the other areas. Momoko said there was support, but she felt like the seat was leaning her forward. I added a 1x4 board across on the front of the couch. For now the thing is working.

Eventually we will need a new couch. Maybe then I can pay somebody to deliver and remove the old one.