Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cujo Calls

My real estate agent took one look at the circuit breaker at dad's house and declared it dangerous. The circuit breakers sometimes refuse to flip. That's a potential fire hazard. So even though the cost was high, I decided to have an electrician redo the electric service.

The guys put a new breaker box in the basement workshop. Then they went outside to install a new meter. Unfortunately the dogs next door got riled up and were ready to jump the fence. The electricians fled and said they could not return unless the dog situation was resolved.

I asked my brother to talk with the neighbors to see if they could put the dogs indoors. He said he would take care of that on the weekend. Unfortunately I got sick on the weekend. And then my brother said he could not find the neighbors. Must be on vacation.

So here we were the day before the electricians were to arrive. Dogs were still outside. I was still very sick. But I had to power through to get this resolved. I asked my brother to take off the rest of the day from work. We piled a bunch of supplies in the back of his truck and went to dad's house.

After surveying the situation, I figured we could just use some 4x4 lumber and 4x8 plywood to erect a massive barrier where the fence was too low. Of course Cujo was there barking while we were at work. Luckily I had my brother hold up the barrier and we installed they rest of it. Let's hope these electricians do their job on time now.

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