Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Repair Visit Foiled

Today was the first day of my vacation. Had to get up early. Scheduled a repair guy to look at our dishwasher this morning. The repairman called to get my model number. Then he called again, saying he had to go buy a part. He did not get to the house until 3+ hours after the scheduled time. At least he got here.

When the repair guy looked at the dishwasher, he declared that there was no power to the dishwasher. That was news to me. It had power the last time we ran it. Checked the breaker box. No circuits tripped. He showed me that the electrical wire that leads into the dishwasher had no current. He recommended I have an electrician figure out this problem, then call him back.

I called my handyman and scheduled a visit for next weekend. Then I alerted the family. Momoko and Kit Kat both asked whether the secret switch was turned off on the dishwasher. WTF? I had Little Kat show me where this switch was. Sure enough, the power was manually killed to the dishwasher. Let's hope the repair guy can return tomorrow to figure out the problem.

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