Sunday, June 21, 2020

Gerbil Relocation

The kids are about to get a massive bathroom renovation started this week. Our handyman is going to rip out almost everything from their bathroom. The bath will be converted to a shower only. That will seal up any water that currently escapes their tub. There is one drawback. The demolition is expected to cause a lot of noise. Our poor gerbils!

The plan is to temporarily relocate the gerbils to the basement while the demo is underway. Kit Kat bought a small secondary gerbil cage today. It will be placed in my study, which is in the basement of the house. Still will be some noise heard down there. Hopefully it will be a lot less than what will be audible on the main level.

Kit Kat plans to bring the gerbils downstairs each day when our handyman arrives. And she will return them to their main cage when he leaves each day. I am at work downstairs during handyman hours. So these gerbils will at least have some company. I guess I can hook them up with nearly unlimited cardboard to chew during the dayh.

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