Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Niece Visit

Momoko and I are thinking about inviting her niece to stay with us for the summer. The niece is out of a job at the moment. And her college career is on hold. This might be the perfect time for her to come for an extended stay.

First question is where will she sleep? We have an extra bedroom upstairs with the rest of the bedroom. However this bedroom serves as Momoko's study. It could be converted. I also have a den in the basement. It serves as my study. It is pretty large. Then we also have a library upstairs. There is a lot of traffic through it by the family though.

So if the niece is game, we can fly her out soon. There is one disadvantage. She will be arriving right before we undertake a massive renovation of the kids' bathroom upstairs. I guess she will have to live with the noise during demolition.

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