Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Roof Delivery

The roof installers arrived really early this morning. I guess they prepared to be pulling up the old roof prior to 7am. I asked them to not remove the rain gutters. The delivery people had not brought the roofing material the prior day as planned. The installers put in a call with them.

The installers put down tarps everywhere. They asked even the car in the carport to be moved away. The took the grill and black trash enclosure away from the house in the back patio. Ladders were extended up to the roof. Things looked ready to go.

After a while, I heard the ladders being retracted. One truck left. They the last installer told me they would have to come back tomorrow as they had no idea where my roofing materials were. I later got a call from the company that the delivery truck broke down.

In the afternoon, a truck with a huge crane on the back appeared. They dropped of a lot of plywood in the driveway. They also put some ridge venting material on top of it. The real impressive part was that they lifted the shingles right onto the roof. A guy secured a safety harness to the roof as he pulled the shingles off the pallet hoisted by the crane.

Afterwards I parked four cars to box in our materials. Better to hide it and make theft difficult.

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