Monday, December 21, 2020

Microsoft Certified

At my last job, one of the senior developers was let go. He told me the only database jobs he could find were Microsoft based. A year ago I was let go from that project too. The only jobs I was able to find that seemed interesting were with Microsoft SQL Server. I thought I saw the writing on the wall. So I decided to learn SQL Server.

Why not get a certification while I was doing this? Might as well. I decided on the SQL 2016 Database Development one. It is an MCSA cert. That stands for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate. I needed to hurry up though. Microsoft is retiring this certification in January 2021.

Well today I went to take my second and final exam required for this MCSA cert. My normal testing centers are closed due to COVID-19. I tried an alternate site for the first test. The exam crashed in the middle, causing the admins to run around rebooting stuff for 30 minutes. That is not the optimal environment for exam taking.

So I tried a new testing site today. The windows on the front of the building were covered so you could not see through. The front door was locked. They did not have any lockers you could secure your belongings in. I decided to lock my valuables up in my car. Still have to check in my car key with a guy who would "put it in a filing cabinet".

This second exam was difficult. Lots of DBA questions. Turns out I was sufficiently prepared. I passed and am now a recognized MCSA. Next up, I need to determine what to learn next.

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