Wednesday, January 7, 2009

TV Converter Box

Next month, they are going to stop broadcasting analog TV signals. That means normal TVs with antennas will not be able to display the signals any more. Now this should not affect our family. We have a lot of TVs. However they are all connected to cable right now. Cable takes care of this for us.

We would like to be a prepared family though. A few months ago I applied for some TV Converter Box coupons. They are provided by the government. They give you $40 each towards the purchase of a TV Converter Box. This box will convert the new signals to work on your existing TV.

There is only one problem. I never went out and bought the converter boxes. My coupons are about to expire this Friday. I need to get to the store and buy my boxes. Otherwise I will be throwing my $80 worth of coupons away. You never know when you will need a TV Converter Box.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

We got our coupons when they first came out and didn't know they expired. (never looked at them until it was to late, boo hoo!) We are covered on our main TV's but not on my little one in the bedroom, guess papa kat will have to get it hooked up to cable.