Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Well, having a day off can be fun but knowing you will have to make it up later always makes a snow day a little bitter sweet. We were blanketed in snow and ice yesterday and today the kittens and I had a day off. I got up early (when Black left for work) and made sure the kittens got up too. Poor Black spent a long time scrapping the ice from his ride. Little Kat wanted to play outside and kept bugging Kit until she finally gave in. They played outside for about an hour before Kit came inside to warm up. Little had made arrangements with a friend to go back out later. He played until the temperatures warmed up enough to make the precipitation change into rain. He looked like a drown cat when he finally came inside. The kittens warmed up and we watched movies until Black got home. We were able to get in a little family game time before Little had to go to bed. So, I would say we had a pretty good snow day. Tomorrow will be a two hour delay and the kittens are off school on Friday. Looks like there is not much left in this week!

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I love the Blogs, Thank you Blog fairy. Sounds like you had a very nice day off, some of us had to go to work at a very slow 25 miles a hour. Today makes 3 days our kats have been off of school, now to make those days up.